Tale of Doggo and Birb [UPDATE v5]

Commander / EDH The_Warleader


Update 2 - New Commander! —May 22, 2023


So over the past month I've been playing Standard with the new set March of the Machine. I brewed this human ramp deck that used Katilda, Dawnhart Prime and Inga and Esika to generate enough mana to cast Ghalta and Mavren and Titan of Industry (so much fun, I had a blast). But it got me thinking about Inga and Esika in particular. The way they flip the game on its head by adding all these new effects to the board state and just allow you to go crazy. At first I was just going to add it into the 99 of this deck. But then I thought "Just for the fun of it, I'm going to make a list that uses them as the commander". And then the gears started turning. The mad scientist in me has spent dozens of hours thinking about this card and testing. And after years of using Momir Vig, I've decided to bench him as the commander. I think he had some pros that I will miss, but also had many cons - between being slow and making my opponents sit there while I spend minutes on end tutoring. And this new commander seems just too fun and powerful. It also has the very strong synergy of making your wolf and owl tokens into mana dorks. Which can get crazy with Concordant Crossroads. I'm very excited to play with this new version of the deck and am eager to hear your feedback! Anyway, here are the changes I made since last March:



suarkdivad says... #1

Been wanting to do this exact thing and had many of the same thoughts you've had, including using Anara and Esior until I realized, despite their flavor, they don't do anything.

I'm working on a bant list because I want the tutors, and it gives me access to some cool 3 color cards that trigger Fable. And Falco Spara, Pactweaver. I'm using Ishai, Ojutai Dragonspeaker and Kamahl, Heart of Krosa as my commanders so I can go tall or wide, and Kamahl is a built-in win con for wolves and owls.

What do you think of Species Gorger as a way to reuse the little value guys that also trigger Fable?

March 26, 2023 4:17 p.m.

The_Warleader says... #2

suarkdivad very cool idea! Those commanders seem like great support.

Species Gorger fits right alongside the package of Shrieking Drake, Dream Stalker, etc. But I just didn't include it because it's 5 mana and not spammable like the other guys that do that kind of thing. But it's definitely not bad and could do some things with Wild Pair. I'll add it to the Notable Mentions! Thanks for your input :)

March 26, 2023 5:05 p.m.

Slashdance says... #3

Great idea for a deck and fantastic formating. I wish I could get somebody to enable my profile to format like this, but nobody responds, lol. But, I digress ... beautiful deck! Grats!

April 23, 2023 1:28 a.m.