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Standard* Aggro BG (Golgari) Budget Competitive Elves




Greetings folks~

Trying to get into Elf Tribal for Standard? Then do I have a decklist for you. This is my take on a budget decklist for Golgari Elves in Standard. Overwhelm your opponents without overwhelming your wallet! I hope you find this to your liking.

I've cleared the description to update this for Oath of the Gatewatch! With the addition of Sylvan Advocate , this Elf deck really gains power in the midgame. The deck plays pretty consistently and as long as you keep up the pressure early, you should be able to finish the opponent before they gather enough of a board to fight you.

Gnarlroot Trapper pumps elves out and gives our attackers deathtouch (awesome). Dwynen's Elite makes more elves, Elvish Visionary keeps our hand full, and Shaman of the Pack hits our opponent where it hurts. Baloth Null is run as a singleton to recur some of our Shamans later (and is more of an experiment atm than anything).

Grasp of Darkness is great. Even with a Siege Rhino for the enemy, if they attack recklessly, we get to kill it with our 1/1's. Foul-Tongue Shriek gains us life while gimping theirs. Unnatural Endurance seems like a great combat trick too.

Sideboard has been updated for versatility, removal, hand attack, and the like. Feel free to customize.

There you have it! For under $50, you get to play a pretty sweet Elf deck in standard that keeps the opponent on their toes. For players with a bigger wallet, bring in Nissa, Vastwood Seer  , Collected Company, and fetchlands for Black and Green. Hope you enjoyed and as always, leave any feedback you'd like!


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 1 Mythic Rares

13 - 2 Rares

15 - 8 Uncommons

19 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.02
Tokens Elf Warrior 1/1 G
Folders Decks To Try, test, Other user's decks, Golgari Elves, Best Decks, elves, Standard, decks-modern, budget elves standard
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