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Mean and Green




High energy deck, it takes it power from the ramp of Primeval Titan and other methods of ramp to channel it into Dungrove Elders. Mean while you boost the Dungrove Elder with the Kessig Wolf Run or really any creature in the deck to do massive damage. Take Garruk, Primal Hunter us him for token generation, card draw, or to make a huge army of wurms. On top of it all you go Triumph of the Hordes to give everything trample and infect (infect is just a thing on the side). Thrun, the Last Troll is there to say screw you control, I'm going to beat your face in. Green Sun's Zenith allows me to dig out whatever I need creature wise. Beast Within takes away any permanent that is troubhttp://mtgsalvation.com/le some away for a beast token in exchange. Most similar builds has Inkmoth Nexus to kill with infect, but I have in for an answer to Day of Judgment or under a situation that I need a creature quick... not to activate and ramp for the win unlike most other decks that has wolf run in it. Also added Vorapede for another beat down creature and it fills that role perfectly with it having vigilance, trample, and undying. With Kessig Wolf Run out there with the mana to activate it makes opponents on edge. Cause they never know which creature will be getting the boost when its all said and done.

Sideboard:If playing against a counter deck, put in Autumn's Veil to prevent that from happening. Artifact, enchantment being a problem, or playing against another wolf run deck allow Acidic Slime solve the problem (plus it could be pulled out by Green Sun's Zenith for another chance to bring it into play), playing stuff from the grave yard... not anymore with Nihil Spellbomb. Oh your going to poison me to death.. I think not with Melira, Sylvok Outcast out on the board. Got more Naturalize than acid slime cause its cheaper and instant speed. Ratchet Bomb is in there for those pesky token decks and those cards that had transformed... (cough werewolves).

Side thought: I am also thinking about renaming the deck... so far I have Nature's Callin' and Prime Time.. any suggestions

And as always got any suggestions post them. I am always down to hear what you all think about the deck. Plus ones are always welcome, just saying. Thank you for checking out my deck, any advice that you may pass my way, plus ones, and the people who have helped me evolve this deck into what it is.


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This change has happened a little bit ago, but anyways its a change. I added the color blue to my deck for use of the Artful Dodge. The plans is to make my tanks unblockable, and if I ran into a fellow green deck I would have the edge and hopefully beat him. Last week it worked out cause in the finals I ran into another green beatdown deck. I need more time to figure out if its a good thing or not. Down the road I may scrap the blue experiment since most of the other matches I used it for space to side board out.

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Date added 12 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

22 - 5 Rares

3 - 7 Uncommons

13 - 3 Commons

Cards 64
Avg. CMC 2.83
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Wurm 6/6 G
Folders Favs
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