"If I may ever be of assistance, call upon me.I am your knight, forever and true.Blessing of the moon upon your journey." -Sirris of the Sunless Realms
Welcome back to the wonderful world of Dark Souls! Do you enjoy helping people, but dont want to go through the trouble of putting down your summon sign? Do you have an unexplained hatred for Rosarias Fingers and the Aldrich Faithful? Then wed like to welcome you to the lovely Blades of the Darkmoon covenant! So slap on that silver pendent and take up arms to defend those Hosts of Embers from the forces of chaos, but dont worry you wont have to grind out those Proof of Concord Kept to rise in our ranks. We simply ask for your dedication in defending against the coming darkness.
The point of this deck is to use humans and Hatebears to both slow down and overwhelm my opponents. It's a new strategy for me since I'm not too familiar with the structure and how it works. So, as always, input is always welcome!
The main synergy of the game is between Champion of the Parish and Thalia's Lieutenant placing counters on one another, utilizing Aether Vial to help ramp up the aggressiveness by flashing in humans, using both versions of Thalia to slow down opponents, and path to exile for removal. Now, lets go over some individual card choices.
Champion of the Parish: The best one drop soldier in the game. Gets buffed by all humans that the field and has great synergy with Thalia's Lieutenant.
Meddling Mage: Very controlling and shes great for slowing down a fast deck by rejecting their combo pieces or other pesky cards. The down side being that she is easy to remove.
Reflector Mage: Another great creature to slow down an aggressive deck.
Grand Abolisher: He keeps me nice and safe on my own turn. Im keeping him at a 2 of so that he wont be a dead draw toward the end of the game.
Student of Warfare: I needed a 1 drop human that could come in handy in the late game. SOW can really ramp up when Thalias Lieutenant hits the field a few times, especially when you get the levels going.
Thalia's Lieutenant: I love this card, I dont think I can express how great it works with other human based cardsespecially CoP. I love the counter ramp that can outpace bolts and other removal as well as some early game creatures.
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben: Slows down burn and control style decks just enough to sneak out a win.
Thalia, Heretic Cathar: Slows down an opponents creature and mana base if Im having trouble with more control oriented decks.
Other Spells:
Aether Vial: More Dark Souls? More Soapstones! Never forget about jolly co-operation!!
Path to Exile: Spot removal.
Sphinx's Revelation: This will be used just in case I need some emergency card draw and a bit of lifegain. Im thinking of adding another one of these.
Detention Sphere: This is great for removing a lot of annoying things. I dont think I can really say how much I love this card; it really saves my ass a lot and its a bitch to remove.