
Current Total Match Record: 48:30:1

Current Total Game Record: 112:84:1

Current Match-Up Record:

(Archetype - Game Win Percentage , Match Win Percentage)

Control/Interactive - approx. 70.45% , approx. 77.77%

Grixis Death's Shadow: Games- 12-2 , Matches- 6-0 ;

Jund: Games- 5-3 , Matches- 2-1 ;

UW Control: Games- 2-0 , Matches- 1-0 ;

Jeskai Control: Games- 10-6 , Matches- 4-2 ;

Grixis Control: Games- 2-0 , Matches- 1-0 ;

Bant Eternal Command: Games- 0-2 , Matches- 0-1 ;

Aggro - approx. 47.83% , approx. 48.65%

Burn: Games- 7-5 , Matches- 3-1 ;

Eldrazi Tron: Games- 5-6 , Matches- 2-2 ;

Affinity: Games- 2-7 , Matches- 1-3 ;

Merfolk: Games- 1-6 , Matches- 0-3 ;

Junk: Games- 5-8 , Matches- 2-3 ;

BW Tokens: Games- 4-0 , Matches- 2-0 ;

Elves (shaman): Games- 3-5 , Matches- 1-2 ;

BW Gideon Tribal: Games- 2-0 , Matches- 1-0 ;

GB Death's Shadow: Games- 1-2 , Matches- 0-1 ;

Mono-White D&T/Hatebears: Games- 4-1 , Matches- 2-0 ;

4-Color Eldritch Evolution: Games(with one game loss)- 1-2 , Matches- 0-1 ;

RB Rabblemaster Aggro: Games- 2-0 , Matches- 1-0 ;

GW Company: Games- 2-0 , Matches- 1-0 ;

5-Color Humans: Games- 0-1 , Matches- 0-1 ;

Mono-White Soul-Sisters: Games- 1-2 , Matches- 0-1 ;

4-Color Death's Shadow: Games- 2-3 , Matches- 1-1 ;

Goblins: Games- 2-0 , Matches- 1-0 ;

Prison - 62.5% , 70%

BR Smallpox: Games- 2-1 , Matches- 1-0 ;

Mardu Prison: Games- 2-0 , Matches- 1-0 ;

Lantern: Games- 3-6 , Matches- 1-3 ;

Mono-White Pillow Fort: Games- 2-1 , Matches- 1-0 ;

Dragon Stompy/Mono Red Prison: Games- 6-1 , Matches- 3-0 ;

Combo - approx. 61.11% , approx. 64.29%

UG Tron: Games- 1-2 , Matches- 0-1 ;

Bant Sun Titan: Games- 1-1-1 , Matches- 0-0-1 ;

UR Kiln Fiend: Games- 2-1 , Matches- 1-0 ;

Gifts Storm: Games- 7-3 , Matches- 3-1 ;

Kiki-Chord: Games- 5-3 , Matches- 2-1 ;

Counters Company: Games- 4-1 , Matches- 2-0 ;

Titanshift: Games- 2-0 , Matches- 1-0 ;

RUG Scapeshift: Games- 0-2 , Matches- 0-1 ;

_Current Total Game Win Percentage: approx. 56.85%

_Current Percentage of Matches that go to game three: approx. 49.37% (39 matches)


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

37 - 8 Rares

5 - 6 Uncommons

4 - 1 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.08
Tokens Thopter 1/1 C
Folders Testing - Blue Steel
Ignored suggestions
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