
Can it be done?
Looking to create a mono black control in standard with the new titans and liliana.

Modern counterpart is here: Modern Edition

Keeping it clear: Using Languish to help keep the board clear. Hero's Downfall, Bile Blight and Murderous Cut for spot removal. Infinite Obliteration for pre=emptive removal of Rhino's / Anglers / Elder Dragons; Basically stuff that is immune to Languish.

Mid Section: Liliana, Heretical Healer   is the bomb. Easy to proc with Fleshbag Marauder and comes equiped with that ever helpful lifelink.
Risen Executioner is helpful is ending the game.
Finally my favourite new card in this current meta the mighty Erebos's Titan... Fight's almost anything in the current meta that isn't an elder dragon. Seige Rhino's, Tasigurs he defeats them all.

Tutoring: Dark Petition 90% of the time you cast this you will have spellcraft and can play any removal or liliana on the search. Simply amazing. Also avoids the awkward turn 4 tutor when you have to board wipe (Token decks etc). Can now just 5th turn totur straight into playing Liliana. The flow is amazing.Ending: Covered most endings this deck has already. Most common will be zombie beat down.
Necromantic Summons can be used to both end the game by re-animating a game ending target (Atarka etc) and can be used in desperation to return your Erebo's Titan's to you. Palace Seige will also end the game eventually. Great attrition tool. Can be used with Gray merchant and Flesh bag marauders to cycle devotion bombs.

Extra Bits: Fleshbag Marauder has so much utility here. Easyily tutored for and cast with dark petition. Can be used for beat down, as he is buffed by the lords, and for emergency removal. One of my all time favourite zombies. Can be just plain silly with a Transformed and healthy Liliana on the field.

Thoughtseize is here for a bit of simple hand disruption.

Sideboard: The sideboard is pretty straight forward with the ability to add both more control or more aggro depending on needs.One card for special mention is Alhammarret's Archive. It has the potential to really shine in this kind of deck but can't see it being a mainboard stay. Just too slow against the current meta.


Updates Add

After a week solid of playtesting I've made a few updates.

Brain Maggots are in. Thoughtseize is out. Duress is in.
Decided burning myself isn't the best while running Sign in Blood.

Bile Blight is out except one. Hero's Downfall to four copies.

Risen Executioner is out except for one.

Fate Unraveler x4 to the sideboard. These guys destroy the new mill decks running around. Also very good against burn/any control.


Revision 9 See all

(9 years ago)

+1 Languish side
-1 Liliana Vess side
Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

14 - 7 Rares

14 - 6 Uncommons

7 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.97
Tokens Emblem Liliana, Defiant Necromancer, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders decks, New Standard, Standard Tournament
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