


DISCLAIMER: English is not my native language, so don't hesitate on pointing out grammar/vocab mistakes.

This deck revolves around making benefits of creatures dying. It can play both aggro and combo, but keep in mind this specific decklist is more focused around the combo aspect.


  1. Introduction
  2. Cards
  3. Sideboard
  4. Interactions/Combo
  5. Strategy
  6. Some ideas for an abzan variant


Hi! My name is Mr_Manuelgb and I'm a mostly-casual magic player. When BFZ got out, I bought the event deck called Ultimate Sacrifice, and I fell in love with the idea of killing my own creatures to win. After doing some research, I found out that BW had more support for my strategy, so dissasembled the deck and brewed this one. Though sometimes I would want this deck to be abzan, I honestly think that without spending a shit ton of money in the mana base it wouldn't work, because it the current form this deck is very consistent. Hope you get interested in the archetype aand like the deck!!


Cards in the deck have been grouped in categories based on their role, though some categories are less explicit. Fodder are creatures/spells that make creatures that are meant to be sacked or killed. In the outlets category there are creatures that benefit from the fodder. The value section is filled by cards that offer additional value when they are killed or when something is killed, but aren't specific outlets or fodder.


  • Doomed Traveler : This guy is amazing. Gets out early, he maybe swings once and then when he dies he leaves a better version of himself! Can't get more out of one white mana in this deck.
  • Nether Traitor : This spirit is very frustating for your opponents. With his shadow ability, you can swing with it EVERY SINGLE TURN. He also offers a lot of value when it dies because you can bring it back for less mana (it also has a stupid combo that will be discussed further down).
  • Lingering Souls : Want some spirits? Here they are. Want some more? Ok, and this time its cheaper. Great card to go wide with spirits. It brings 4 creatures to the table: 2 when you first cast it and 2 when you want more.
  • Sram's Expertise : More tokens! Its virtually 1-2 mana for 3 servos as you then cast a free spell (Spoiler: All of the spells are CMC <4) from your hand. Great inclusion for the deck, just a good card.


  • Bloodthrone Vampire : Don't let this small vampire fool you. This badass girl can win you the game by sneaking in and then becoming huge. She has the added bonus of sacrificing to herself, which sometimes means the difference between winning or losing.
  • Cartel Aristocrat : The name of the archetype comes from this vampire, so not a lot to say about it, apart from telling that protection is broken. As long as you have fodder, you can swing with this vampire without the risk of her dying.
  • Zulaport Cutthroat : This small dude with a weird sword has a missleaning atwork, because you don't want him to fight, but to stay back and slowly drain your opponent life total. Get as many copies as you can on the field because having multiples at the same times makes your work a lot faster.
  • Blood Artist : This vampire is like the Cutthroat but it makes the draining process better. In exchange, however, he is useless in combat. A very good card that will be most likely be the target of the enemy's removal.


work in progress



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97% Competitive

Date added 6 years
Last updated 4 years
Exclude colors URG

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

16 - 2 Rares

19 - 5 Uncommons

7 - 8 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.32
Tokens Morph 2/2 C, Servo 1/1 C, Spirit 1/1 W
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