
Using Puresteel Paladin as a draw engine to simply keep drawing and casting free equipment, then you return them all using Retract, to restart your draw engine to prevent stalling out, searching for at least one Grapeshot and hopefully blowing out your opponent for 20 or more or what is needed.

Do NOT be afraid to hit creatures with a grapeshot if you can't do lethal. You have ways to recycle cards, and restart the draw engine at least four to six times mainboard, and three more sideboard, barring exile counters.

The deck has the chance to go off on turn one, but it's very sketchy. We want to win and want to do it consistently. We want it to be difficult or impossible to disrupt, we want to use the least amount of mana possible. With that said, turn two is the best time to go off, and turn three is stronger for us, but it's also stronger against a control deck, or a deck with the right answers. One of the deck's best strengths is that is does not need to use the graveyard, but it can and if someone were to bring in yard hate, it would likely slow them down, and be a dead threat against us.


Updates Add

I felt inspired and I did a minor update to the list, even though I sold a lot of it when all the cards spiked. It's still playable as long as Mox Opal doesn't get banned as it does yield turn 2 wins.
I added couple of Wheel of Sun and Moon so as long as you have at least 1 Retract and 1 Opal left in the deck, and don't draw yourself out with Sram (as his draw is NOT a may) you can truly go infinite. If you also have a Grapeshot left you can use it to just remove threats and attack with Swiftspear for infinite prowess.



91% Competitive

Date added 10 years
Last updated 6 years
Exclude colors G
Splash colors R

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

26 - 7 Rares

10 - 4 Uncommons

18 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 0.98
Folders Damn, Cool Decks, Standard, Modern, competition modern, Decks, Modern Decks I like!, modern, cool decks, Doro's Retired Decks
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