
Enchantment (6)

Sorcery (7)

Transformative: Warrior Tribal -> Ponza

In the first game, you send out a pile of Warriors, pump them up with Bramblewood Paragon and Hornbash Mentor, and attack for big damage.

In the second game, as your opponent grabs every boardwipe they can find, you drop the Warriors, sideboard in a Ponza land destruction deck, and start throwing big rocks on their mana base.

When making this switch, start by removing the Pelt Collectors, Brighthearth Bannerets, two each Hornbash Mentor and Wrap in Vigor, and some combination of Hornbash Mentor, Kargan Intimidator, and Wrap in Vigor, depending on whether you can drop sustained power, evasion, or protection for game 2. The goal here is to use Utopia Sprawl, Birds of Paradise, or Arbor Elf to power out a turn 2 Pillage, Stone Rain, or Blood Moon, and continue the land destruction until you get into your Warrior + Klothys, God of Destiny offense. This switch set might not always be optimal, but it's rarely going to be wrong. Use your discretion.

Who says Gruul can't be creative?

I'm keeping this deck relatively budget because it's pretty diluted in power as both a Warrior deck and a Ponza deck and won't really be competitive. You can switch out basic lands for fetch lands like Wooded Foothills and Windswept Heath if you want to make this more reliable, or Wrap in Vigor for Heroic Intervention for more protection. Combat Celebrant and Professional Face-Breaker are possible creature upgrades.

On the other hand, you can go even more budget by switching the Utopia Sprawls for Fertile Grounds, Lightning Bolts for Wild Slashes, Birds of Paradises for Ignoble Hierarchs, and Stomping Grounds for Cinder Glades. Once the Magus of the Moon appears, they're all the same.

Here's what a budget list could look like, and this is a more optimized version.

As always, tips, thoughts, suggestions, and random musings are appreciated.


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98% Competitive

Date added 1 year
Last updated 11 months

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 1 Mythic Rares

18 - 2 Rares

13 - 3 Uncommons

11 - 9 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.72
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