

Creature (4)

Let's feed the terrible lizards!


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Removing the white splash to simplify the mana; this will end up playing as a GR dinos with a small enrage flavor.

After a couple weeks of playing at my LGS, I've made some significant changes to my sideboard.

Gone are my 3x Aethersphere Harvester which were there to gain some life against aggro and provide a blocker for Glorybringer and Rekindling Phoenix. However, I never had a body to crew since my ramp dorks kept eating removal. Instead, I've added 2x Heaven / Earth, which gives me a slightly slower but effective answer to flyers. As a bonus, the second half gives me a ground sweeper and an additional enrage enabler.

I've also removed Chandra's Defeat in favor of additional copies of Abrade and Reckless Rage. I haven't seen many Chandra planeswalkers at my LGS, and both of the replacement spells deal with other red creatures as effectively.

Heroic Intervention was originally included as protection from board wipes and occasionally countering a targeted removal spell. However, the only removal spells that are really effective against dinos are Fumigate, Settle the Wreckage, and Hour of Devastation (and the rarely seen Bontu's Last Reckoning). As such, Blossoming Defense ends up being more useful at protecting my creatures, plus it can get extra damage in. I've kept one Heroic for now, but I might remove it and go with 3 Blossoming.

Thrashing Brontodon has been effective against all manner of enchanments and artifacts, plus the big body can effectively stop everything but Hazoret in mono-red. I've considered pulling this to the mainboard, but I'm happy with the mainboard construction for now. The single Forerunner of the Empire comes in against most decks looking to go wide; the ability to fetch up a dino has let me grab any one of Ghalta, Primal Hunger, Regisaur Alpha, or Carnage Tyrant as the situation calls for. The pinging ability of the Forerunner can easily give me one or two damage sweepers as needed.

Deathgorge Scavenger hasn't seen any action for me, but this dino is still in the sideboard for the occasions I come up against the few The Scarab God decks that are still floating in and out of my LGS.

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Revision 10 See all

(5 years ago)

+1 Deathgorge Scavenger main
+5 Forest main
+4 Mountain main
+2 Reckless Rage main
+1 Savage Stomp main
+4 Thrashing Brontodon main
Date added 6 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

11 - 0 Rares

25 - 6 Uncommons

3 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.03
Folders XLN good ideas, Standard
Ignored suggestions
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