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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Scorchmark deals 2 damage to target creature. If that creature would die this turn, exile it instead.`

SynergyBuild on Opposition Agent needs a preemptive …

4 years ago

StopShot maybe you forgot, but Scorchmark is a direct downgrade to Magma Spray

EDIT: You mentioned this, frick, ok, imma just make a decklist link so I can edit it.

OberstHati on 7-wins Rakdos aggro

5 years ago

I‘d add Priest of Forgotten Gods instead of the Hackrobat . then swap in Gutterbones for The dodger, kick the Spawns and add 2 Judith, 1 priest. Kick 2 Carnival, 7 Mountain, add 4 Blood Crypt , 4 Dragonskull Summit . In Sideboard i‘d suggest 4x Duress Instead of the Scorchmark . I made something similiar with my Black Judith. Have Fun with this Deck, and Good Luck!

Ouroboros_47 on Rakdos control demons 2.1

6 years ago

I honestly would try to make the deck more control focused in the early game and then switch to beating them to death with your flying demons with trample later in the game. So this would mean having cards like Moment of Craving , Lava Coil , Bedeck / Bedazzle , Ritual of Soot , Golden Demise , Vraska's Contempt , and Bedevil to keep the opponents board under control. Cards like Scorchmark , Bladebrand , and Undercity's Embrace are not the cards you are going to want to use because, well quite frankly they aren't very good. Bladebrand is effectively a 2 for 1 trade for an opponent's creature at the cost of your own. Sure it draws you a card but you used 2 cards when one would suffice. Do you want card draw or removal? Scorchmark is just a worse Lava Coil . Undercity's Embrace can be alright but The Eldest Reborn is just better. Sure embrace can be used earlier but what do you need to kill early on that requires the opponent to sacrifice it? Carnage Tyrant ? Well, that doesn't typically come out on turn three anyways and if it does they've got 3 other creatures to choose from. Bedevil is just a better 3 mana kill spell to put in this spot.

Sorry if that sounded mean/ranty but I really didn't mean it to be, I just think that there are better choices to be made then the ones that are currently in the deck. I'm glad someone is trying to do a demon deck as I want to do the same, but sadly there just doesn't seem to be enough out there for a tried and true demons focused creature deck. At least in my opinion. I hope this was at least somewhat helpful.

SkippDaReaper on Rakdos Party

6 years ago

I'm currently also looking to find the best Rakdos build after allegiance. I tend to run more aggro and burn than midrange however. For your build, I feel that Sentinel Totem would be better than Scrabbling Claws in SB; Bedevil would be much better there than Scorchmark , too, unless you're relying that heavily on graveyard recursion.

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