Impetuous Sunchaser

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Impetuous Sunchaser

Creature — Human Soldier

Flying, haste

Impetuous Sunchaser attacks each turn if able.

WItC on Budget Beginner Teaching Decks (#2 Red)

1 month ago

Update complete. Chandra's Spitfire to replace Impetuous Sunchaser. This and Twinferno has given red some good reach and it remains a strong deck without the Kiln Fiend +3 combos.

I also added Skyship Stalker to the maybelist. I good basic red dragon with stereotypical red abilities. It could replace Jeska, Warrior Adept to cut down the cost, but she is sort of a figurehead for the deck and I am reluctant to remove her.

WItC on Budget Beginner Teaching Decks (#2 Red)

1 month ago

Sme4: Thank you

Baileybelson2: The Festival Crasher is a great idea, as is Twinferno. Art is better with Twinferno and as a bonus, so is cost. However, it toned down the power of the red deck a little too much, so I decided to switch the Impetuous Sunchaser as well. New updae to follow. Thank you for the good ideas.

dnthymamai on Casual Easy Gruul

2 years ago

Thank you! But on the 3-drop slot apart from the main purpose of the deck, Primal Forcemage, I already have Viashino Sandsprinter! He returns to my hand and can gain the +3/+3 once more on the next turn!

On the 2-drop slot I have the card-drawing Gallia of the Endless Dance which lets me draw cards (plus a little bit of random Madness synergy) and the hit-for-less but evasive Impetuous Sunchaser! He can also carry a Loxodon Warhammer more effectively than Zhur-Taa Goblin.

I had given Rhythm of the Wild a thought, too. But apart from the main engine, Primal Forcemage, every creature already has haste! And the +1/+1 counter strategy is not very synergistic when most of my creatures return back to my hand on purpose... :-/

It's a sideboard option vs counterspells, yes. I just wanted to keep the sideboard simple so when a new player sees the whole deck they'll think they can easily play it.

Thank you for the suggestions!

fpc1968 on Greek Mythology

5 years ago

Haha no way! Ok well in that case...

Akroan Crusader definitely reminds me of Achilles. Even though I think Akroans were meant to be Trojans, see Akroan Horse

Anax and Cymede could be Helen and Paris

Battlewise Hoplite for Hector of Troy

Kytheon's Irregulars as the Argonauts or the Myrmidons

Fleecemane Lion is totally the Nemean Lion

Hero of Iroas is Hercules. Just look at the artwork!

Impetuous Sunchaser is obviously Icarus

King Macar, the Gold-Cursed is King Midas

That's all I can think of for now. What a cool concept. Let me know what you think!

Xanitsu on Jesus, Child of God Tribal

7 years ago

There was a rule change so child does hit the grave then goes back to the command zone so you don't need the grave recursion part so much. Also when I was playing indestructible board clears with the gods the deck wasn't consistent and the gods did nothing most of the time. So if you are making it tribal gods cut anything that isn't supporting the gods. Child is ok to run but you need a way to support it better, you would need a way to kill Child of Alara yourself because if that is your only board clear how will you trigger it when you want to or need to. Also there are a ton of exile cards that totally will make your deck have a bad day, so some more protection cards and counters wouldnt be a bad idea. Also you need mana ramp either in the form of artifacts or green ramp spells the deck is too slow without them and not getting the colors you need is the worst despite a solid land base.

I would cut Impetuous Sunchaser, Nobilis of War, Zurgo Helmsmasher, Heart-Piercer Manticore, Deus of Calamity, Colossus of Akros, Supernatural Stamina, Fling, Deem Worthy, Agent of Erebos, Soul of New Phyrexia, Barrin's Spite. These cards have the least synergy with the deck.

If you want This is what I am doing with mine. I didn't post my new child board clear deck but i can for more idea's.

KongMing on Lunarch Control

7 years ago

Some more mainboarded, low-cost Flying creatures might help you to win the game at a crucial moment by flying over blockers with damage. A couple ideas that work well with Odric would be Skyhunter Skirmisher, Impetuous Sunchaser, and Skyknight Legionnaire.

Also, 32 Lands seems like a lot. More than half your Library. Are you sure you need that many? 26-28 sounds more reasonable.

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