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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Attacking creatures get -2/-0 until end of turn.
Draw a card.

Murphy77 on
4 years ago
I would focus on the draw-and-mill trifecta of Psychic Corrosion, Sphinx's Tutelage and Teferi's Tutelage, backed up by Fraying Sanity. Yes, Ruin Crab and Merfolk Secretkeeper can do a lot of damage, specially if you can start to flicker the Secretkeeper. Keep Safe, Befuddle and Opt may just give you enough card draw to seal the game. I would also consider Hydrolash and cards like Thirst for Meaning
Murphy77 on
4 years ago
I would focus on the draw-and-mill trifecta of Psychic Corrosion, Sphinx's Tutelage and Teferi's Tutelage, backed up by Fraying Sanity. Yes, Ruin Crab and Merfolk Secretkeeper can do a lot of damage, specially if you can start to flicker the Secretkeeper. Keep Safe, Befuddle and Opt may just give you enough card draw to seal the game. I would also consider Hydrolash and cards like Thirst for Meaning
Zilkios on
American Superfriends (4-0 @ FNM, Game Day Champ!)
8 years ago
I see you've already added some cards from the new set, just a friendly fyi.. when those cards are legal Fiery Impulse, Hydrolash, and Act of Treason will not be standard legal.
Just something to keep in mind going forward here.
Goonthar on
Esper Wizard Argo with control (please advise)
8 years ago
Quick Breakdown of what I was thinking:
Disciple of the Ring - Taps enemy creatures and allows a second use of spent instant and sorcery cards.
Willbreaker - Why just tap/untap enemy creatures with Disciple of the Ring when you can control them?
Final Iteration Flip - turns my wizards into +2/+1 flying FTW!
Thunderclap Wyvern Because my flying +2/+1 wizards just got another +1/+1!
Healing Hands A 3cc card that gives you another card AND more life... why doesn't everyone have 4 of these?
Anticipate and Hydrolash - Because I have never been playing magic and thought: Man... I which my hand was empty.
Cragon18 on
The Man with Four Brains
8 years ago
Countermage, I like all of your suggestions, but probably in the sideboard (which I haven't yet created). The only reason I don't love Displacement Wave main board is because it would bounce my Prism Rings and Brain in a Jar. Talent of the Telepath is also fun, but again sideboard would be best since many of the best decks don't have extremely useful (to me at least) instants and sorceries, but as you said it would be good against control/burn.
I run Jace, Unraveler of Secrets in my Thopter/control deck and he is amazing in that for sure. I will have to playtest to see how he does. if nothing else, he would buy me some turns where my opponent will focus on him and not attack me directly, thus giving me time to cast spells and get closer to my big Rise from the Tides. I wouldn't mind adding one more Engulf the Shore and a couple more Hydrolash. Those really help to buy me some time in this deck. Thanks again!
Henma on
Annoying Disciple
8 years ago
After testing the deck online (lost in two games) I have to agree that 21 lands is not enough. That was always a concern, but having 3 lands by turn 5 or 6 is losing the game with this deck (at most you counter one spell per turn, not enough mana to play Jace's Sanctum or the Disciple itself).
I decided to remove one Dispel from the sideboard in order to move another Hydrolash from the main board. I removed the Negates from the deck (it was a hard decision, being one of the cheap counters, but I want to keep Void Shatter as against some decks you need to exile when countering and Calculated Dismissal gives me a scry 2 most of the time).
I played Rise from the Tides in a previous blue deck, but it's kind of slow (given the Zombies come tapped and it's a sorcery). Most of the times I got to play it, it triggered a strong reaction in my opponents next turn that was difficult to stop (given that Rise left me with little untapped mana). It may work better with this deck if you already have the Sanctums in play and countering with Disciple's ability... I'll think about it.
Nagging Thoughts is cool, but I prefer Catalog and Pore Over the Pages as you can choose to discard anything from your hand, giving you the opportunity to swap a dead card for something better.
GankSquad on
SOI mono-blue mill
8 years ago
Hydrolash and Prism Ring are great against aggro... sweet deck, nice job!
abby315 on
Mill, Bounce, or Draw
8 years ago
I really think Talent of the Telepath should be in the sideboard and Hydrolash & Forgotten Creation should be in the mainboard, maybe 2/2 split? I know people really like TotT because you can mill-seven-and-kill-a-creature but in all of your problem matchups, creature heavy decks, the chances of you hitting a removal spell aren't that high and if you miss, you've just paid a lot for only 7 cards in the GY.
In general, you should always plan your MB to be as linear as possible and focused on making your own deck work, not interacting with your opponent in a specific way, because then you've a more consistent game 1. Hydrolash helps you survive and Forgotten Creation is a blowout with Sphinx's Tutelage or just a great refueler if you're running out of gas. You can side in TOtT for control or midrange just fine.