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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Human Wizard

At the beginning of each opponent's upkeep, that player chooses draw step, main phase, or combat phase. The player skips each instance of the chosen step or phase this turn.

BlondieN8 on cEDH - Mindskinning and Deck Thinning

2 days ago

DreadKhan, first of all, I must compliment on your detailed response that many users tend leave out. Allow me to answer your deck concerns with the following:

  1. Inquisitor's Flail (IF), I have thought about this artifact, but decided to cut it in earlier drafts due to more counterspells. Later on, I may incorperate "IF" into the deck depending on my card draw functions.

  2. Propaganda (P) & Fatespinner (FS), are both wonderful suggestions Crawlspace was intended to be a cheap hate card, enabling the preservation of mana for counterspells—"P" may take triumph and take it's place. "FS" would be an interesting card added into the mix. I would need a some time to tinker around with new cards. MTG has taken a little backseat while I work on studies.

  3. Resculpt, will not be added to this deck due to the playstyle around counter spells. I tried to keep my curve low enough to allow room for counterspells on problematic itmes. If all else fails with the counters, I can always bump up a commanders tax over and over.

  4. Dress Down (DD), does have an interesting ability, but It would involve removing another hate card or counterspell. "DD" has potential so I will add it into the maybe list for later tinkering.

  5. Sunder (S), Static Orb (SO), and Rising Waters (RW). To start, "S" is already above the curve and not particularly impressive compared to other high-costing cards. "S"' is detrimental to our board, especially regarding mana artifacts and creatures with tap abilities. While I might consider "SO" eventually, it will not be included at this time. As for "RW," I already have several hate cards that do not cause self-harm. My current land hate cards include Winter Moon, Back to Basics, Field of Ruin, Ghost Quarter, Strip Mine, and Wasteland. "RW" also inpacts my own ability to cast counterspells. This is also closely related to lack of self-mill cards fund in this deck. Every card has been chosen to benefit me whilst disrupting opponents.

  6. Jace is used for card drawing and moving opponents' cards from the top. I have also included Jace as another permanent for players to worry about, but with your comment, I may consider switching it out.

Thanks again for your help; if you have any additional suggestions or concerns, feel free to comment. Changes to this deck will come eventually.

DreadKhan on cEDH - Mindskinning and Deck Thinning

2 days ago

I really like the idea of making mill work in cEDH... I hate being milled in cEDH, I will never forget losing games that would have been cake walks because some key card was milled (and it wasn't even vs dedicated mill decks, just one off mill for 4 lol), it's not supposed to be good but cEDH decks are so overwhelmingly greedy that something like that can spoke their wheel and cost them the game. Looking at this list makes me feel like not playing Tasha's Hideous Laughter in any blue cEDH list is a mistake, it's really hard to get stuff back from exile and it requires nothing

This is probably not a great suggestion, but maybe it's an 'okay' one... have you ever thought about Inquisitor's Flail? Double mill from your Commander for only 4 mana isn't THAT steep, especially if you pay it over 2 turns, and nobody is ever blocking your Commander so the drawback shouldn't matter.

YMMV but IMHO in cEDH I'd rather resolve a Propaganda than a Crawlspace, if only because people sometimes play Abrade and can then swarm you to death. Most colours are bad at removing Enchantments, but only Black is terrible at blowing up artifacts. I feel like you should also look really hard at Fatespinner, this is an incredibly frustrating Stax effect in mono-Blue, and slowing the game down gives your Commander time to do the thing.

I'm not sure if Resculpt is good or bad in here (a 4/4 is reasonably big), but your Commander is unblockable and with it you can remove an artifact that's really bad for you, OR just exile a problem creature.

What do you think of Dress Down? A lot of things care about creature text, and while turning all of yours off could be bad, it can prevent you from losing the game to a variety of creature based things.

Probably my weirdest idea, would Sunder work in here? The idea is you play it after you're set up to give you a few turns grace while everyone else runs around like headless chickens, I would expect even a couple swings while people try to rebuild could be enough. There is also Static Orb, I feel like as long as you are swinging with your Commmander you don't need to do anything else to gain immense advantage. If Sunder is too much mana you could try Rising Waters maybe, it's only 4 to really slow things down?

If you want to cut something, is there a real plan for Jace, the Mind Sculptor? He's pretty nasty in 1v1, but in a 4 player game I feel like he's too small of an effect for that much mana.

KibaAlpha on I Scry with my Mill'll eye...

1 month ago


Thank you for the suggestions, I've already gone ahead and added Fatespinner. I'm looking at the other ones. I do have some counter spells in the deck, not sure I'd need Lightning Greaves but it's a good card to consider.

The deck has played well thus far, however there are times where as expected, someone sees blues and panic aggros against me. I do find it hit and miss of being able to get out quicker than I'd like. Maybe just bad shuffling but happens a bit too often for my liking.

Overall I'm happy with it.

Profet93 on I Scry with my Mill'll eye...

1 month ago


High Tide - Ramp

Reliquary Tower - Redundancy

Mystic Remora - Draw

Fatespinner - A weird suggestion but I enjoy the card. They have to sacrifice something. Most sacrifice combat. Given you have a defensive card like sunstone, this might be a potential swap.

Regarding protection, I feel Lightning Greaves are reliable for your wincons. More versatile options are counterspells of course.

How has your deck been playing?

belphan on Favorite EDH Cards

8 months ago

One of my favorites (that end up being cut as one of the last cards) is Fatespinner. It just really screws with people in ways you can't describe.

DreadKhan on I'm Playing Blue So...

10 months ago

Pet decks are so much fun to play, just drawing into certain art (even if they're dead cards at the time) can feel pretty sweet. Here are a few of my favorite Blue cards that can also make an opponent's life difficult! War Tax can be really crazy, you can use it during anyone's turn to limit their attacks. Cultural Exchange can let someone else enjoy your Seacoast Drake (it seems mean to hog fun cards like that, right?), it can also generate a lot of advantage. Mass Diminish is a weird card even by the standards of weird cards, the effect last for a REALLY long time in a bigger game, and it inexplicably has Flashback at a low MV. I'm not sure if it needs support to 'work', but not many cards are as annoying to a table as a resolved Counterbalance. She used to be pricey, but Empress Galina is a REALLY weird Blue card to throw in, if people can't answer it they are going to lose their Commanders. Callous Oppressor is pretty good, steal the best thing and then use it to chump the new biggest thing (and then steal that thing with Oppressor). Fatespinner is a nifty Stax piece that can slow your opponent's game plan quite a bit (but it doesn't nothing if they're wildly ahead, so it's still 'fun'). Not sure if you want the removal, but Transmogrifying Wand is a very good effect if it sticks around, but Oxing even 1 creature can be pretty helpful.

NoSoyYucateco on Emrakul Comes with the Tide

1 year ago

SomeDipshit: Thanks for the great suggestions! A few of these are ones that I had in my maybeboard but have since removed. I had Inventive Iteration  Flip and Replication Specialist here. Moonfolk aren't really the focus of the deck, but I do usually like it when I can play one early to flash out Patron later. I have a Replication Specialist that I ordered for this deck, but have struggled to find a spot to put it in. Is there a cut you can suggest?

My playgroup frowns at mass land removal, and I feel like I'm already toeing the line of how mean I want to be with the deck, so Sunder is unfortunately off the table.

I love Fatespinner and I actually have a signed copy of it in my binder, but I'm trying to make the deck more focused and I feel like it's a great card but doesn't contribute enough directly to a win for the build that I have.

Excellent suggestions though, and thank you for checking out the deck and commenting!

SomeDipshit on Emrakul Comes with the Tide

1 year ago

Fatespinner -- Great blue control staple

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