Coat of Arms

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Coat of Arms


Each creature gets +1/+1 for each other creature on the battlefield that shares at least one creature type with it. (For example, if two Goblin Warriors and a Goblin Shaman are on the battlefield, each gets +2/+2.)

Profet93 on *Angry Xylophone Noises*

2 months ago

Urza's Incubator - Ramp, if budget allows

Bubbling Muck - Ramp

Syphon Mind - Draw 3, each opponent discard 1. Budget friendly

What is the point of running skittles in a non-infect deck?

Coat of Arms - Buff, if budget allows.

king-saproling on Food In Human Out

3 months ago

This is a great list but I think you need more lands and mana rocks. Also just a heads up that transforming cards like Ojer Taq cannot be played as their transformed side; you would have to play it as a creature first and transform it before using it as a land.

Personally I would make these swaps:

Second Breakfast -> Windbrisk Heights
Vizier of Deferment -> Shefet Dunes
Ajani, Inspiring Leader -> Bonders' Enclave
Transmutation Font -> Arch of Orazca
Fortifying Provisions -> Fountainport
Bill the Pony -> Minas Tirith
Drannith Magistrate -> Manakin
Flaming Fist Officer -> Hedron Crawler
Odric, Master Tactician -> Gold Myr
Oltec Matterweaver -> Ornithopter of Paradise
Syr Ginger, the Meal Ender -> Mind Stone
Thraben Doomsayer -> Coat of Arms
Gingerbrute -> White Plume Adventurer
Food Coma -> Magewright's Stone
Hobbit's Sting -> Drumbellower
Dawn Charm -> Halo Fountain

NV_1980 on Krenko's Kombo Blinged Out

3 months ago


This looks nice. I've got some ideas based on my own Krenko deck, in case you're interested:

  • I'm really missing a Sol Ring in here. It's such an amazing rock that I can't imagine leaving it out of any commander deck. Maybe your local format forbids its use (that happens sometimes), but if not than I'd really recommend you consider putting it in.
  • In its current form, the deck hardly contains any resources for additional draw. I would seriously consider adding Idol of Oblivion, because it's extremely on-theme for this deck. Other nice resources for additional draw/filtering could be Sensei's Divining Top or maybe Scroll Rack.
  • Goblin Sharpshooter could fit well in this deck. It can also combo-off when combined with Kiki-Jiki and Thornbite Staff.
  • Personally I'd choose Shared Animosity over Coat of Arms, as the latter also helps other decks using creatures of similar types, but to each his/her own of course.

Hope this helped and good luck with your deck. Enjoy the holidays!

lukecwolf on Are there any flavor/biological reasons …

5 months ago

For me, I hope they instead class characters in a hierarchy rather than remove. Like outlaws are mercenaries, pirates, etc. and party is wizard, warrior, etc.

I think more archetypes makes the game confusing, but removing archetypes already printed on cards doesn't help.

It's always going to be confusing to pick up an old visashini in a box and have to realize it's a lizard.

For instance, I felt hurt when Nagas were errated, as Nagas are a very big part of Asian culture. They are also very distinct from snakes, which are often characterized as sinister in western mythos and symbolism.

To your point, i don't see any reason why a phoenix couldn't be an elemental bird. But from an economic point, we already have so many of all 3 archetypes that person wanting to build x tribal commander deck and pump Coat of Arms has a lot to work with.

legendofa on Are there any flavor/biological reasons …

5 months ago

SteelSentry The viashino change had to with out-of-game recognizability. Not everyone knows what a naga is, and you have to know M:tG to even guess what a viashino is, but most people can recognize and understand a dragon, or a ninja, or a phoenix. There's a huge difference between identifying a hrodbevdkmadeupword as a lizard, and identifying a dragon as a lizard.

Tieflings only get a pass because they're from a sister product, and I honestly have no idea what makes an azra distinct. The tail, apparently? Azra and tieflings can be combined without any issues, as far as I'm concerned.

Not to mention that sea anemones are grouped with jellyfish even though they're closer to starfish; centipedes, millipedes, and whatever Acridian is are insects; old Kamigawa snakes have four arms, two legs, and hair (making them more like awkward centaurs?); Zombie Human isn't anything, but Zombie literally-anything-else is; Sable, Ferret, and Stoat get unique creature types while Wall of Pine Needles, Grappling Sundew, and Vinelasher Kudzu are all the same thing...

Basically, creature types are entirely a game mechanic and mean absolutely nothing outside of how much it gets pumped by a Coat of Arms.

Dangerwillrobinson79 on Birdemic

5 months ago


Coat of Arms goes hard in this deck.

DeinoStinkus on Apes Together Strong

8 months ago

Coat of Arms and Alpha Status would be good!

Icaruskid on Imagine Dragons | Budget Rosnakht [PRIMER]

8 months ago

Hey hey khayoz!

I went all in on go wide as my first version. It had all the Heroic spells and concentrated on buff and damage spells, no voltron:

Metallic Mimic
Roar of Resistance
Heraldic Banner
Coat of Arms
Shared Animosity
Obelisk of Urd
Signal Pest
Konda's Banner
Eldrazi Monument
Weapon Surge
Ogre Battledriver

Throne of the God-Pharaoh
Impact Tremors
Witty Roastmaster
Livewire Lash

It played pretty well. Board wipes were absolutely the killer. The game becomes adding the right amount of creatures and damage without overextending. Also sometimes my little kobolds were outclassed by more powerful creatures and couldn't attack. I could have added Dolmen Gate and evasion but then we are leaving my playgroup's budget behind. This is where I discovered Descent of the Dragons and thought it would be a great finisher that's also a "buff" spell and on theme. Then that led me to Transmogrify and I've never looked back.

But the overlap approach can do work. Like Draconic Destiny adds to your voltron threat but it also enables Rosnakht to attack giving the kobolds the buff they desperately need. Dynacharge and Weapon Surge are modal so you can buff the whole team or sneak in a voltron kill.

I haven't tested all in voltron. But indestructibility might be important. Mithril Coat, Darksteel Plate, Commander's Plate, and Hammer of Nazahn might be worth a try. I just wanted something with more sizzle, style wise.

Hope this helps! Let me know what you learn!

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