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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Aerial Engineer
Creature — Human Artificer
As long as you control an artifact, Aerial Engineer gets +2/+0 and has flying.

EDedan on Have Core 19 given us …
6 years ago
The set Guilds of ravnica is going to be released soon :DD
And i can't wait to see what the meta game is going to become, the set looks amazing, love the all the new cards in the set
But something stirred within me when i thought about the core 19 multicolored uncommon and how "Much" synergies that there is in those cards...
Heroic Reinforcements = Gives you new mentor targets and pumps the whole team which is basically what you wanna do in a aggressive deck. See also Legion Warboss, Swiftblade Vindicator and Chance for Glory
Enigma Drake = the mechanic of the set is Jump-start which means that the spells got value after it lands in the graveyard, this gets better with for each spell in you're graveyard and there is also a "Better" version of this which also draws a card when it enters the battlefield a.k.a. Crackling Drake
Satyr Enchanter = green and white aka "Selesnya" have now in my opinion become the best enchantment pairing in standard. there is Seal Away, Ixalan's Binding, History of Benalia, Legion's Landing Flip etc in Guilds of Ravnica there was Conclave Tribunal,Dawn of Hope and the best card in my opinion from the set Divine Visitation and a common support card in the set was Sumala Woodshaper..
Poison-Tip Archer and Psychic Symbiont seems to be the least synergetic of all the "Guild" pairings but Poison-Tip Archer synergies with the guild legendary Izoni, Thousand-Eyed and sometimes Vraska, Golgari Queen.
Psychic Symbiont has no synergies with "surveil" but it's the best mechanic in my opinion because of "card selecting" etc, this was a beast in it's limited format and it did what it was supposed to do which is to help the limited formate.
As for the other uncommons in Core 19..
Brawl-Bash Ogre = Either a sacrifice based mechanic or maybe morbid is going to return, i've thought about the mechanics "Madness" or "Hellbent" before this card, but who knows i haven't thought so much about this archetype..
Skyrider Patrol = +1/+1 counters have been a staple of the simic guild, there was "Evolve" in gatecrash and "Graft" in Dissension, what if there was a mechanic which activates when a creature gets a counter or a counter enter's "the battlefield" aka triggered ability for counter's..
Aerial Engineer = in the lore for the set, the Leader of the Azorius get's killed by Vraska, Golgari Queen as seen in the card Assassin's Trophy, maybe the Azorius will go in a new directions with thopter's as surveillance aka 1/1 flying artifact creture tokens, maybe there will be a "metalcraft" mechanic in the azorius which symbolises a new direction. See also Skilled Animator and Sai, Master Thopterist because synergi if it is a artifact theme.
Draconic Disciple = maybe "Ferocious" or "Formidable" because in the card Street Riot i feel like domri is rallying his clan into "anarchy mode" then this card pumps all you're creature's attack and it gives them trample..
Regal Bloodlord = this is pretty much "lifegain payoff.creature" Soo What if the Orzhov mechanic was something with lifegain such as "If you've gained life this turn, it does this" such as Nightmare's Thirst or maybe extort makes a return... :DDD, for instance i hope there will be more cards such as Dawn of Hope cause of it's lifegain clause and there is also Resplendent Angel, Ajani's Pridemate, Ajani's Welcome and Epicure of Blood which has synergies also ;)
Maybe i'm overthinking things but i really liked the uncommons from Core 19 and my favorite of the uncommons was Regal Bloodlord.
This is only my thoughts but i think it's fun to think and theorize about sets but if you all think i'm crazy then by all mean tell me why, i can stand by this but by all means change my mind.
Boza on
Arcades Draft
6 years ago
The difference between 15 and 18 creatures is huge - non-creature spells help where creatures falter. And 15-16 creatures is about the max you should include to have enough room for interactive spells.
The stats on the gargoyle are less than spectacular. In draft, you want to quality over quantity, individually more powerful cards than synergistically powerful ones.
For an extreme example, lets say you took Arcades P1P1. P2P1 you took Aerial Engineer. Next pick is all the red and black cards, except 1 Gargoyle Sentinel and 1 Horizon Scholar. Which is the correct pick?
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Now, for another conundrum: Same deal as before, pick between gargoyle and scholar, but it is the last pick of the draft. You have 3-4 artifacts, 1 arcades, 1 aerial engineer and 2-3 walls. Which is the correct pick?
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Same deal as before: Same deal as before, pick between gargoyle and scholar, but it is the last pick of the draft. You have 3-4 artifacts, 1 arcades, and 2-3 walls, but also 3 Aerial Engineer instead of 1. Which is the correct pick?