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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Target player draws X cards.

000CBomb000 on Draw a Few Format?

1 hour ago

I play Old School and in casual games we have a house rule that we draw two each turn, with no discarding required in the first turn only. It has several advantages:

  • dramatically reduces the likelihood of mana flood/screw.
  • it speeds up games, since you generally play a land and cast at least one spell per turn. Otherwise, with typical draw one, players tend to empty their hands quickly and the game slows down dramatically.
  • it decreases the effectiveness of control decks like The Deck, which aren't fun to play against anyway. It increases the effectiveness of Aggro styles, which are more fun. Creatures are really janky in Old School and they need as much help as they can get.
  • it reduces the advantage of Library of Alexandria, Braingeyser, and Jayemdae Tome, and reduces the disadvantage of Mind Twist, any of which can be nearly fatal in Old School matches.

There is even an Old School variant called "Gentleman's Rules" that bans Library and Mind Twist because they are so powerful in single-draw. In double draw, they are not a problem.

The only downsides:

  • cards that punish card draw get much stronger. Chains of Mephistopheles and Underworld Dreams become very strong, almost problematic. If enacted in a tournament, it would definitely change the meta (maybe that's good!). We would likely have to restrict these.
  • Sylvan Library becomes very strong, and may need to be restricted.

Some of those factors may be relevant to Commander. Definitely try it out!

Azoth2099 on Wheeliod - cEDH

4 months ago

This commander is so awesome, man, excellent choice. Consider Braingeyser for sure. This commander also breaks parity on strong stax pieces like Thorn of Amethyst & Thalia, Guardian of Thraben super easily! It's brutal. Cheers!

ThatguyDJ on Power 9 when?

1 year ago

Garth One-Eye + Deadeye Navigator + Thousand-Year Elixir = infinite mana (tap to make Black Lotus, crack black lotus naming blue, use 2 to flicker Garth, he re-enters battlefield with 1 spare blue mana. Repeat infinite times) to deck all of your opponents with the Braingeyser

DraconicDestruction on Party on Wayne, party on Garth

1 year ago

Garth One-Eye can go infinite with Displacer Kitten (blink garth with displacer kitten to get infinite Black Lotuses, keep on blinking to get infinite Shivan Dragons, and deck your opponents with Braingeyser, and if anyone kills the kitten, use Regrowth to get it back)

AThiccNacho on Dat Hydra

2 years ago

Simic Ascendancy for an alternate wincon for sure.

May want to consider Herald of Secret Streams since it makes your creatures unblockable.

Kodama of the West Tree is also pretty sick since it gives most of your stuff trample and some nice ramp if you can hit face.

I also had thought about using Mass Manipulation in my Zaxara deck, but i'm not entirely sure how well it works given it's cost. Unless you have Nyxbloom Ancient out, I find it hard to find a spot for it honestly.

I also found Braingeyser to be a nice fit as well. Gives you the option of draw OR forcing your opponent to lose the game going infinite. Sorcery and not instant or repeatable like BSZ, but I think it's a hell of a good card.

Overall solid deck!

Ulgulanoth on Urza, Lord High Artificer

2 years ago

I'm not sure Recurring Insight is a good enough card to be cEDH, it's 6 cmc and while the rebound is nice, you can't reliably count to be drawing more than 5 cards; if you're going to draw a lot of cards you probably want an x draw spell like Braingeyser since it can become a win con with thassa's oracle, it's flexible if you draw it early and if you have mana to spend it can draw you more cards than Recurring Insight. Alternatively replacing it with an extra turn spell like Alrund's Epiphany, since an extra turn is better than drawing cards.

multimedia on Im new to this

2 years ago

Hey, well done for being new, for less than $50 you put together a deck and included many untappers which are good with Garth. Interesting Wizard subtheme with Azami.

These are all staple budget cards in Commander and other than Sol the other cards are rainbow ramp/color fixing for five colors.

You lack a win condition, a game plan to win the game. Jeskai Ascendancy can combo with Retraction Helix + Sol Ring or Everflowing Chalice to make all creatures you control as big as you want, loot (draw/discard) as much of your deck as you want and Sol makes extra colorless mana.

When you control Ascendancy target Garth with Helix. If you control Sol then tap it to make two colorless mana and tap Garth to return Sol to your hand. Cast Sol for one mana which triggers Ascendancy to untap Garth and repeat. Use this combo to make Garth huge to attack. Regrowth cast from Garth can recur Helix to make this combo repeatable.

Unblockable is a powerful ability to give a high power Commander since you only have to do 21 Commander damage to a player for them to lose the game. Whirler Rogue's activated ability can make Garth unblockable and Whirler is a creature who benefits from blink to create more Thopters.

Consider expanding on blink with more repeatable sources? Teleportation Circle is good, but more repeatable blink will give you more chances to reset Garth and since you have so many untappers that's kind of important to get more out of Garth especially with Jeskai Ascendancy and Murkfiend Liege. Soulherder can repeatedly blink Garth at your end step. Brago, King Eternal can repeatedly blink Garth when it attacks and does combat damage to a player. When this happens Brago triggers to blink any amount of nonland permanents you control which includes Garth as well as any creatures who have an enter the battlefield trigger.

An effect that's good with Garth, blink and untappers is haste, to be able to tap Garth the same turn he enters the battlefield (ETB). Temur Ascendancy gives Garth haste as well as repeatable draw since Garth and Shivan Dragon have more than 4 power. With Ascendancy and blink from Soulherder right after Garth ETB then you can tap him to cast any one of the three instant options: Disenchant, Terror or Braingeyser. Only one of these three because you're blinking Garth at your end step which is not a main phase.

Brago, King Eternal's blink is different since it happens at the end of combat meaning that at your second main phase if Garth has haste he can tap to cast any of the options including the sorcery speed options: Black Lotus, Regrowth or Shivan Dragon.

If interested I offer more advice in another comment. Good luck with your deck.

multimedia on Dracotopia

2 years ago

Hey, really well done for your first Commander deck and less than $100 budget. Garth is an interesting choice for Commander for five color Dragons, haven't seen this before. Jodah, Archmage Eternal would be my first choice for a less than $1 five color Dragon Commander.

Some budget support cards to consider adding. These card suggestions have interaction with each other, Garth and Dragons.

If interested I offer more advice including some cuts to consider. Would you like more advice?

Good luck with your deck.

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