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When Waves met Biomancer

Standard* Devotion GU (Simic)



So, this evolved (hehe, a Simic deck evolved) from a mono-blue devotion deck that I found couldn't hold its own against certain deck types (mainly, ones that will kill the Master of Waves to get rid of all the tokens), so I added Master Biomancer and other Simic goodies to give it more umph in tournaments. I know I need some more copies of some cards (like Nightveil Specter, Breeding Pool, Master Biomancer, and Kiora), and feedback would be great!


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Tried out this deck at FNM, didn't go so well because of mana-screwing. sigh. Might need to put in some more lands. Got Prime Speakers (will try them out at FNM before judging their ability). Played some matches for fun with sibling, Zegana drew five cards one game and six cards next, Progenitor Mimic gave endless army of Reverent Hunters (was playing Green Devotion). Went pretty well.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 0 Mythic Rares

21 - 7 Rares

6 - 7 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 63
Avg. CMC 2.90
Tokens Elemental 1/0 U, Emblem Kiora, the Crashing Wave, Frog Lizard 3/3 G, Kraken 9/9 U
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