Back in the market for a cyclops?

Perhaps if you'd purchased the optional Mizzium Skin, the warranty wouldn't have been an issue in the first place! While your issues with insurance are getting sorted out, let's take a look at some of the newer Nivix models.
Nivix Cyclops: This is our current best seller, and this baby is in great shape. The last owner was a little old lady who only sent it to the grocery store on weekends. Just fuel 'er up with Armed / Dangerous and any other arcane chicanery at your disposal to get her going and you'll reach your destination in no time!
You may have heard some of our opponents making outrageous offers and claims against this Cyclops but let me go ahead and Dispel anything they've said which might make you
Think Twice
. Those other guys? They're a bunch of two-faced liars who would flip at the sight of something as little as your Izzet Charm, leaving you at the mercy of their Faithless Looting.
Oh, and before I forget! Make sure to upgrade for a small fee with
Artful Dodge
and before you know it our Cyclops models will be breaking both the sound barrier and faces.
Trust me, I know that look, you can't believe the offer we're giving you here. You haven't seen a deal like this since
Wee Dragonauts
hit the skies! I'll just send you over to our billing department. Look for the office marked "Delver of Secrets
". Trust me! There are absolutely NO Hidden Strings! ...yet...
This deck is still in its playtesting stages and I'd appreciate any feedback and suggestions.
The Gameplan
Play Nivix Cyclops Turn 3 and beef him up with
Artful Dodge
x2 and Armed / Dangerous Turn 4 and swing for 22 unblockable damage.
Nivmagus Elemental and Delver of Secrets
are included to help maintain consistency with early-game aggression and board presence in conjunction with burn spells.
Dispel and Mizzium Skin protect the cyclops and help him do his job from your hand to the swing.
Snapcaster Mage as a backup to dig into the graveyard toolbox as a last resort (Primarily for Dispel and Mizzium Skin but Armed / Dangerous is just as valid a target)
Think Twice
and Faithless Looting for filter and draw.