Yesterday (7-25-2015) I played this to a 2-2 finish in Legacy tribal wars. I beat Goblins, and some Berserker/Dash build, but apparently there's a fairy that can tap all your lands on your upkeep, and that makes myr sad. Other than that I was pretty happy with how it was performing. I won my first two games 2-0, lost 2-0 to fairies and then lost 2-1 to some Minotaur build.

Against Goblins, Tawnos's Coffin was awesome. It saved a Battlesphere from removal (generating an extra 4 myr), It tapped down a piledriver and kept it from attacking, and it removed a blocker to help smash face.

The Minotaur build was really aggressive, but I felt like I could have stabilized if I would have played better. Specifically turn 5 I was looking pretty dead on the board, but had an active turbine, two battlespheres in hand, a spine of ish sah in hand and seven mana on the board. My opponent had 4 Minotaurs, and they all had trample, so since trample was granted by one of them, I decided to vindicate that one (I was thinking if I could get rid of that, I could chump the three that were remaining with tokens). However if I would have played the battlesphere instead, I would have had better blockers and could have tutored with the turbine for a +1/+1 bonus post blocking and would have been in a much better position. Instead I went down to 1 life (because he had another Rageblood Shaman in hand) and he finished me off with an incinerate. This is also a good argument for taking out the Spine and replacing it with another copy of All is Dust.

Rules for the event. This was a pure tribal event, so no off tribe creatures were allowed, and no sideboards were allowed. Your deck had to be at least 1/3 creatures (of the chosen tribe of course).

Update 8/1, swapped in a 3rd All is Dust and ran this in the underdog tribe event to a 3-1 finish. Actually placed and got a couple bucks store credit. :D

Update: 9/1, made a few more minor changes to the deck and played it in the pure tribal event on 8/28 and placed SECOND! :D I have an updated decklist here.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

17 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

19 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.56
Tokens Assembly-Worker 2/2 C, Copy Clone, Myr 1/1 C
Folders MTGO Decks, Myr Decks!
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