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Izzet Wizards Counter Burn

Standard Burn Control UR (Izzet) Wizards




The deck wants to pump up Adeliz and Dragonauts -by drawing cards, hitting the face or board control- to fly over the top for lots of damage.

I am looking for advice on the deck; Suggestions on what to add or take out. I really would like advice on the sideboard. I am hoping that I can build a sideboard that can swap out most creatures and be a killer spells deck, figuring this will keep my opponents on their toes.

Would it be worth it to have Search for Azcanta, I have a hard time justifying a $20 card to my wife. If so what is the fewest number I can run to make it worth it?


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Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years
Exclude colors BG
Splash colors W

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

11 - 4 Rares

17 - 7 Uncommons

10 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.84
Tokens Elemental 0/1 R
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