Devotion to the Damned

Modern OcelotProblems


Nice deck! I playtested it against my own Golgari deck, Counters gonna Count, and it did very well. I got some a huge Splinterfright and Lotleth Troll , which was awesome.

I would take out Golgari Guildgate , as it serves no purpose that I can see in this deck and is just a bad land overall compared to others such as Woodland Cemetery , which I would definitely reccomend adding into your deck. I would also add a few Golgari Charm s, either in your sideboard or your main deck, as they are very useful in general.

Overall, well done!+1

October 4, 2012 4:28 p.m.

OcelotProblems says... #2

Thanks AncientDragon999, I actually dropped an Overgrown Tomb for the guildgate in an effort to keep the deck value < $100, but I agree that it is a wasted card. I'll definately add the tomb back in if I happen to snag a playset of them, since they count as a Swamp and therefore activate Veilborn Ghoul s ability to return to me hand to be reused for pumping Lotleth Troll .

Another interaction that may change the deck's layout a bit is Primordial Hydra and his synergy with Corpsejack Menace and Increasing Savagery .

I don't know how I forgot Golgari Charm ! Goodbye Naturalize , I prefer options!

October 4, 2012 4:35 p.m.

Holy crap I just looked at the price of the dual lands and wow. I totally forgot how expensive some of them are (especially Woodland Cemetery lol)! Sorry bout that. : p

Yeah Golgari Charm is very versatile, more options are always a good thing. And I agree, the Corpsejack Menace +Primordial Hydra +Increasing Savagery is an awesome dynamic.

I'll playtest your deck a bit and get back to you with any suggestions I have!

October 4, 2012 5:13 p.m.

IceBlue says... #4

For a replacement for Naturalize , Golgari Charm is redundant. Abrupt Decay will hit all the artifacts and enchantments that you might se in standard play except Staff of Nin , Gilded Lotus , and maybe card:Curse of Death's Hold. It's basically GB's naturalize that also hits a ton of other things. You'll deal with Oblivion Ring s and Detention Sphere s with it. Golgari Charm is still useful though to make up for the difference if you simply need more removal and it answers Verdict.

I'd put in Crawlers over Slitherhead personally. Slitherhead is useful for the Hydra, though.

October 10, 2012 12:44 p.m.

OcelotProblems says... #5

@Iceblue : I see what you are saying about the redundancy factor, Abrupt Decay should be able to handle most issues. As far as Gravecrawler s in the deck, it's just a cost issue at this point. I'm more concerned about keeping the manabase consistent than which creature I'll spend more time pitching to Lotleth Troll . However, if I manage to acquire some I'll definitely make room for them. Thanks for the feedback!

I'm considering removing Tragic Slip for either additional Increasing Savagery s or different removal since the morbid mechanic doesn't come into play as often as I'd like. Appetite for Brains seems like it could be a good form of removal in the current standard environment. Thoughts?

October 10, 2012 1:13 p.m.

I love this deck, +1 from me! I never realized the synergy with Veilborn Ghoul and Lotleth Troll , that's highly amusing.

I think that Corpsejack Menace would be interesting with Unleash creatures. Thrill-Kill Assassin would be absolutely disgusting Rancor or Increasing Savagery target. Vorapede would be disgustingly good at the top of your curve. Also, I say run more Increasing Savagery over Tragic Slip .

October 13, 2012 7:09 a.m.

OcelotProblems says... #7

Thanks @Ballin_Like_Stalin, I'm actually running 2 Thrill-Kill Assassin s right now as I'm short on some of the other creatures I plan to run. Vorapede would definitely be a nice top curve creature, I'll have to check into picking one or two up. Tragic Slip is definitely coming out, as I find I rarely use it.

October 13, 2012 9:41 a.m.

marke18968 says... #8

This isn't very budget...

I mean i know its under $100, but I don't know how it could be more expensive using necessary mono black cards.

July 2, 2014 6:52 p.m.

OcelotProblems says... #9

@marke18968 Add 4x Mutavault for $18 each and 4x Thoughtseize for $15 each. That alone adds $132 to the deck price. I'd say under $100 is a pretty low budget for a deck that is competitive in standard tournaments. If you wanted to lower the budget more, I'd replace 2x Hero's Downfall with 2 Ultimate Price and Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx with another Swamp . This would bring the cost closer to $80 while being competitive. Was there a particular price point you'd prefer to see available?

July 2, 2014 7:26 p.m.

marke18968 says... #10

Why would would you add mutavault? it's a good card but... just whyAlso did this deck used to be W/B aggro? also 48 bile blight

July 2, 2014 8:05 p.m.

@marke18968 Mutavault is great due to it's avoidance (it's only a creature during your turn "if" you choose), and is staple in nearly every top 8 decklist for standard tournaments. I could refer you to some decklists, but a simple search on google or tcgplayer can just as easily provide you with that information. This particular deck was B/G (early Ravnica) then B/U,(attempted Cipher) and has now become mono-black. I had some white splash cards in the maybeboard during the build, but they were removed long before deckcycle. I don't understand the end of your comment "also 48 bile blight". There are a total of 4 Bile Blight 3 mainboard, 1 on the side. I'm wondering if you are seeing an early version of the deck - when I was crunching numbers on every mono-black devotion deck that had placed top 8 in a major tournament. Otherwise, I'm not really sure how to respond to your rather ambiguous question.

July 2, 2014 11:39 p.m.

evilmario5 says... #12

me like this mono black +1 from me

January 5, 2015 10:06 a.m.

evilmario5 says... #13

this deck for me to build (90%) $118.70holy sh......t but i might just build it anyway i like how this deck plays and i can finaly destory my friends deck

January 5, 2015 9:36 p.m.

evilmario5 says... #14

Eldrazi Monument:

Creatures you control get +1/+1 and have flying and indestructible.At the beginning of your upkeep, sacrifice a creature. If you can't, sacrifice Eldrazi Monument.-makes your pack rat army impossible to kill-and flying creature deck not much as a counter to this deck then

January 5, 2015 10:22 p.m.

dvdn1997 says... #15

Hi! this deck looks really good! may i suggest with the recent reprint Phyrexian Arena? its much better than Underworld Connections and it has dropped in price a lot! also, would you mind taking a look at my deck? i seem t strungle a bit with it and was wondering if you have any tips! It would be greatly appreciated

August 29, 2016 6:10 a.m.

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