Budget Junk? In standard? Is that possible?

Standard nutellaisgreaterthanlife

SCORE: 260 | 135 COMMENTS | 35316 VIEWS | IN 190 FOLDERS

35 upvotes! Holy crap —Sept. 21, 2014

Thank you all so much for the positive feedback! I'm so pumped that this has been recieved this well. We have hit 35 upvotes woooo.

Please keep the comments coming!

Epidilius says... #1

Sunbond on Wall of Limbs , then sacrificing Wall of Limbs for a win would be pretty awesome.

September 15, 2014 8:45 p.m.

TheKuntRoller says... #2

+1, Wow. This looks really well-constructed. I love it when people aren't afraid to go against the norm and not have playsets of Thoughtseize , Courser of Kruphix , Sylvan Caryatid , and every other overused junk card. Props to you, good sir or madam!I may have to build this.

September 15, 2014 8:51 p.m.

Haha thank you so much! (im a sir btw) and thats kinda the point, to break the meta of every overused junk card.

September 15, 2014 10:16 p.m.

cmartin37 says... #4

A card from Khans I'm about to abuse is Kin-Tree Invocation . It could easily fit in your deck to bash some face.

September 15, 2014 11:24 p.m.

cmartin37 YES thank you that is fantastic

September 16, 2014 4:06 p.m.

w00tthehuk182 says... #6

I guess you could throw in 4x Soldier of the Pantheon for the Hopeful Eidolon s. They cost something, but i still consider them "cheap" for standard and they are insanly good.

September 16, 2014 8:53 p.m.

Arvail says... #7

I really like the deck so far. It's got a clear goal and has decent synergy. I think, however, that it's very limited in scope because it lacks the proper tools to react to threats being played by your opponents. You need some kind of way to deal with creatures your opponents drop down. Things like Banishing Light , Suspension Field , Last Breath , and Devouring Light could all work wonders for you to push damage through and not get walked over when your opponent lands a Terra Stomper or something. Finally, you your land base needs to be balanced. You've got far more white spells than your other 2 colors yet the lands you run don't reflect this. Not only that, a lot of your black spells are 3 CMC or higher, meaning you can afford to run few black sources since you're likely to draw into them by the time you want to cast them. I urge you to increase the consistency of the mana base by running up to 4 copies of Sandsteppe Citadel and by adding some reactive cards. Regardless, I like it. You have my +1.

I hope you'll return the favor by looking over my brew: Jund Top Deck Management

September 16, 2014 9:05 p.m.

Pal00ka says... #8

I agree with comments above, the deck is clear on what it wants to do, and it does it. +1

But in that same sense, you focus so much on what YOU want to do that it doesn't seem able to react to the opponent.

Gods Willing and Oppressive Rays would add a shade of budget reaction to keep the flow in your favor.

Sungrace Pegasus + Sunbond would be wicked.

And have you considered Bow of Nylea ? I might suggest 1 bow and 1 whip; I see them complementing your deck wonderfully but not necessary as wincons.

September 19, 2014 11:27 a.m.

MomsLoveMe says... #9

very nice homebrew! +1, playtests ran pretty smooth, mana seems pretty dialed in. Maybe some black 1-drops (sideboard even) to help out early game? Ruthless Ripper has deathtouch and some bonus life loss with its morph trigger!

September 20, 2014 2:23 a.m.

Dalektable says... #10

I actually REALLY like this. I think I might build it just to have a deck for my friends to run when they come to tournaments with me :) Very nice, surprisingly so. Your mana base is pretty solid, and the deck ran very smooth in my playtesting. You do, however, need to develop a sideboard. Despise is an uber budget but still good replacement for Thoughtseize . Pharika's Cure Is good against aggro, as is Wall of Essence . I think Ordeal of Heliod Could be rather fun in the mainboard, too.

September 20, 2014 8:56 a.m.

Dalektable says... #11

OH, I've got it. Abzan Charm would be perfect. I've made my own version of this, and Abzan Charm paired with Hardened Scales is insane. Not to mention it provides card draw and answers to threats.

September 20, 2014 9:10 a.m.

Dalektable I 100% agree. It has come time for a sideboard.

September 20, 2014 10:48 a.m.

Caligula says... #13

Junk is only expensive because it's where all the money cards are at, You can almost think of it as the new Esper control shell and well let's face it, the cards are expensive because they are awesome.

Aside from that this is a great budget deck.

September 20, 2014 2:45 p.m.