Suggestions are welcome, but this is an old deck i am not currently playing, if you want to make suggestions to my current deck that evolved from this, white-weenie-25-07-13-2
a very fast boros deck Best hand-Champion of the Parish,
Lightning Mauler
,Silverblade Paladin,
, Plains, Clifftop Retreat
t1 Champion of the Parish
Lightning Mauler
swing with champion
t3 Silverblade Paladin soulbound with
Lightning Mauler
, Swing for 11
swing for lethal
Champion of the Parish- a good one- drop in any human deck
Boros Elite
- Good one drop to follow up Champion of the Parish without
Lightning Mauler
Lightning Mauler
- Good 2 drop on its own, gives my 3 drops haste to get in with more creatures for more damage
Imposing Sovereign
- Messes up opponents tempo and shuts down cards like Izzet Staticaster, Boros Reckoner, and Thundermaw Hellkite
Silverblade Paladin- Makes any creature a threat.
Frontline Medic
- Makes combat hell for opponents. No more Bonfire of the Damned or Sphinx's Revelation
- Amazing finisher, just wins games.
Angelic Overseer- Avoids removal and good for blocking, mostly in the deck to fly over and finish off games against aggro matchups. Also helps me trasition into late game.
Searing Spear- good burn spell, kills creatures, finishes games.
Boros Charm- One of the best spells in the deck, finishes games, stops wipes and kill spells, also helps to make blocking easier
Aurelia's Fury- Helps get through with essential damage in board stalls.
Bonds of Faith
- Gets put in against midrange decks to make their threats useless(i'm looking at you Boros Reckoner)
Oblivion Ring- A basic Catch-All
Pithing Needle- Gets put in against Deathrite Shaman, AEtherling, and Olivia Voldaren making those creatures overcosted uselessness
Rest in Peace- any reanimater deck ever, undying, scavenge
Skullcrack- Lifegain, turbofog, Thragtusk
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben- Control and Izzet decks. They are going to be Thraben when i'm done with them.