

Artifact (1)

Planeswalker (1)

This Hedron Alignment deck revolves around Behold the Beyond .

Constant crowd control and draw power from spells like Spell Shrivel and Anticipate allow me to search through my deck for Behold the Beyond while remaining safe.

Salvage Drone gives me a turn one, another blocker, and draw power w/ discard for a hedron placement.

Transgress the Mind keeps me safe from their bigger threats while also allowing me to exile a Hedron Alignment .

Catalog gives me draw power while letting me toss a Hedron Alignment into the graveyard.

Curious Humunculous allows me to sling spells all day and cast Behold the Beyond .

Once I retrieve a single Behold the Beyond , the Hedrons begin to fall into place...

The winning combo: Use Behold the Beyond to Grab Behold the Beyond ,Transgress the Mind, and Hedron Alignment . Transgress the hedron, then, Behold the Beyond again. Grab another Behold the Beyond and two hedrons. When possible, play one hedron and behold the beyond again to grab the fourth and final hedron into your hand.

If you're only running two Behold the Beyond s then grab whatever remaining hedrons with your second use instead of your third.

This is even easier and faster if you manage to deal with a few hedrons along the way, but this is worst cast scenario.

I hope you enjoy the deck and let me know what you think!

P.S. Recommendations welcome!


Considering Inverter of Truth for a surprise win con setup if I've located 3 hedrons and the 4th is in my deck. It also can retrieve any crucial cards in the graveyard lost to an opponent's actions. And it's fun.

Sphinx of the Final Word would not only give me a beefier creature to defend, but it would also lock in all my spell flinging and Behold the Beyond .

Thing in the Ice   also gives another creature that would transform quickly into a large threat and brief crowd control (though affecting me too).

Brain in a Jar would give me some more free casts possibly including a free Behold the Beyond or Scour the Laboratory . And it's just fun.

Jace, Unraveler of Secrets for some major control and draw power, and coolness (especially since he fits the theme pretty well).


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I was still struggling against decks with constant creature pressure, kill, or tons of control, so I took out a Behold the Beyond since I often ended up throwing one away to the affect of another, and 3 Unsubstantiate for 4 Thing in the Ice  Flip. These will hopefully give me more early blockers, board clear, and a secondary win con of damage.


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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #28 position overall 7 years ago
Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 2 Mythic Rares

17 - 3 Rares

10 - 7 Uncommons

15 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.61
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