Orzhov Life Drain --- by cyko:
Hello, one and all. This deck is simple; steal life from your opponents until they die. This deck is played midragne style, as you will be both:
The main goal of this deck is to drain your opponent's life and add it to your own. My playtests have brought me up to an average of 45 life per game. The play is midrange, the reasons are displayed above. We have cards that fit into 3 different groups:
--- Drainers
These are our cards that steal life from our opponent. The deck includes cards like Kambal, Consul of Allocation, Drana's Emissary, Authority of the Consuls,
Lone Rider
, so on and so forth.
--- Board Control
These are our cards that help us stop what our opponent is trying to do. The deck includes cards like Vampire Hexmage, which can debuff a creature or kill a planeswalker, Stasis Snare, for those big threats you can't Doom Blade, Declaration in Stone, for token decks and reanimator strategies, and Blind Obedience, which taps down our opponent's creatures as they hit the field; hurting aggro, Collected Company decks, and pretty much every other creature-based deck.
--- "Bombs"
These are the biggest spells of the bunch, and can help regain board control, help come back from a board wipe, or just end your opponent in style. Divinity of Pride Gets seriously huge if you have 25 or more life. Blood Baron of Vizkopa is useful only late in games, in which he turns into a 10/10 flyer with lifelink and protection from his own colors. Sorin, Grim Nemesis, also only useful late in games, is an expensive planeswalker that will up your chances of winning significantly. (Unless they have a Dreadbore, which no one runs in Modern)
Our mana base is also nice, that consisting of: - 3x Godless Shrine - 3x
Concealed Courtyard
- 3x Marsh Flats - 7x Swamp - 7x Plains
You may be asking; "Why 3 shock lands?" Because, you'll be gaining lots of life later on, and why not pay a lowly 2 life for mana?
That's Orzhov Life Drain. I'll have more decks made and posted. Comment your opinion on this deck, and what I can do to improve it.