
Note: My Ravnican Standard Decks are an embodiment of the Guild's spirit and play style, while having a nice balance between both colors. Enjoy this Orzhov Enchantments deck!

The deck's focus is to cast the value enchantments rapidly, while exiling your opponents' best creatures (with enchantments), implying a kind-of Control style. You have 5 sweepers to constantly wipe the field, leaving your enchantments as the remaining bodies. For finishers, you have Sigil of the Empty Throne, Starfield of Nyx, and even a huge Zombie derived from Corpseweft. This deck, like the Orzhov Syndicate, worships profit and power (aka value), which you will always encounter with Demonic Pact, and other awesome elements the deck has to offer.

The Enchantments

Demonic Pact: This card is value, on top of value, on top of value. Yes, there is a major risk, but usually this risk is obsolete. This deck has a reasonable number of cards to deal with it: [card:Enlightened Ascetic] for one. And you have Utter End, and Ugin. Killing a creature and gaining 4 life is awesome, drawing cards is awesome, and your opponent discarding 2 cards is awesome. This card is pure awesomeness (if you can deal with it, of course). 4-of.

Sigil of the Empty Throne: O.K. This deck has 14 enchantments, and playing a Stasis Snare + getting a 4/4 Angel token out of it is abominable. 3-of.

Stasis Snare: Sweet removal at instant speed, you feel right playing it + ENCHANTMENT! 2-of.

Silkwrap: Great 2-mana removal spell, and necessary with all the Hangarbacks and Jaces running around. Solid card, 2-of.

Quarantine Field: a Sorcery that possibly exiles 2 (non-land)permanents for 6 is great: great late-game, + flexible enchantment. it is really vulnerable to Dromoka's Command and even Utter End, making your mana expense a broken investment. But, it's still an enchantment and exiles stuff. 1-of.

Corpseweft: Ah, I love this card! With 5 sweepers in the deck + a fair amount of creatures (some with upsides when they're killed), Corpseweft becomes a power-house, either getting a huge 6/6 for a finisher, or an army of 2/2s. Although this tremendous amount of value, drawing the 2nd Corpseweft is kind of a downer. 1-of.

Starfield of Nyx: This deck has 14 enchantments. Starfield of Nyx is a must in enchantment-themed decks, as 1) Great flavor and synergy, and 2) Enormous win condition. Plus, it brings back Demonic Pact (which you can eventually re-destroy, hopefully). The art is amazing too. 1-of.

The Creatures

Sidisi, Undead Vizier: Awesome tutor, can exploit Enlightened Ascetic, Carrier Thrall, Hangarback Walker, Scions, and Thopters. You can search for: a) elements to eliminate Demonic Pact, essentially saving your life, b) Win conditions/Finishers, or c) a nice removal spell! (or d) none of the above, if you feel like searching for a land). Great card, 3-of.

Carrier Thrall: Fodder for Sidisi, allows for quicker casting of enchantments, Corpseweft feed. 2-of.

Enlightened Ascetic: To deal with the Demonic Pacts, + fodder for Sidisi. (Insta)4-of.

Hangarback Walker Variable card, works well with any deck, makes tokens, and just feels right to play it. 3-of.

The Sweepers (Sorceries

Languish: It's as close to a Wrath of God as you're going to get. 2-of.

Planar Outburst: 5-mana sweeper, with the Awaken ability, makes it the best white wrath around. 3-of.

The Instants

Utter End: Deals with Demonic Pact + a substantial removal spell! Solid, 2-of.


Ob Nixilis Reignited: Great investment for 5 mana! Obby protects himself + draws you cards, which is essential in this deck. Great control element, 2-of.

The Sideboard

Arashin Cleric: For the aggressive decks, where life sustainability is of the upmost importance.

Citadel Siege: For the midrange/grindier games. And for Atarka.

Fate Forgotten: For opposing enchantment-themed decks, Demonic Pact Decks, or even for annoying artifacts (Pyromancer's Goggles?)

Palace Siege: For the Control or Jeskai decks (choose Dragons).

Self-Inflicted Wound: For the annoying green/white weenies (I'm thinking Warden of the First Tree, Seeker of the Way, or Deathmist Raptor.

Sigil of the Empty Throne: Board this in for the control decks, where the games are long and midrangey cards are welcome.

Surge of Righteousness: For the Red/Rakdos Aggro decks. Simple as that.

Suspension Field: Board this in for the Ramp Decks, or decks with buffy creatures (Siege Rhino etc.)

And that concludes my Ravnican Standard Orzhov Enchantments deck description! Stay tuned for more Ravnican Standard decks (8 more), and feel free to comment.

Finally, the Mana Base

The only cards worth noting:

Blighted Fen: It's a great utility land, as you have a choice of making it become a removal spell late-game. 1-of.

Shambling Vent: Strong tap land, blocks stuff, draws out removal spells + great way to regain life lost from Ob Nixilis Reignited. 4-of.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

25 - 4 Rares

5 - 6 Uncommons

6 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.40
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C, Emblem Ob Nixilis Reignited, Thopter 1/1 C, Zombie Horror */* B
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