Infinite Research

Modern* Sjorpha

SCORE: 113 | 53 COMMENTS | 10073 VIEWS | IN 40 FOLDERS

SayoKel says... #1

Aren't sideboards suppose to have only 15 cards in them?

May 13, 2016 12:27 p.m.

Sjorpha says... #2

@SayoKel: Yes of course, this is a list of possible and fun cards for the sideboard. You must narrow it down to 15 before playing.

Note that for non-tournament play Research/development can fetch any card in your collection, so you can bring the whole list with you for casual play.

May 13, 2016 12:32 p.m.

SayoKel says... #3

Ahh. That makes sense.

May 13, 2016 1:04 p.m.

Draw_Wurm says... #4

Hey Sjorpha how about Darksteel Citadel in the mana base. Also would Sword of Fire and Ice or Sword of Body and Mind be worth a look.

June 22, 2016 4:24 p.m.

Sjorpha says... #5

The problem with adding darksteel citadel is that there isn't really room for any more colorless mana, you need the bulk of your mana to be colored for as many forgings as possible, and the inkmoth nexuses synergizes extremely well in this deck so I'm not keen on replacing them. The main advantage of Dark Citadel would be establishing metalcraft, but you already do that pretty reliably and the inkmoths are artifact creatures so the nexus already gives us that. I don't feel I really need indestructible lands in this deck, so that seems pretty minor. It would protect the glimmervoids though, so might allow running the full 4 of them, but on balance I think it's not worth it.

The swords are great, I might try them out. The big downside of the swords and any other equipment is that it's a card that doesn't help us establish a sunforger lock so it would decrease stability and speed of the deck.

June 22, 2016 6:40 p.m.

Kuubudaraa says... #6

How about Sigarda's Aid? Seems to fit right into this deck as helping you play around sorcery speed removal and being able to play on your opponents turn or even combo in response to removal on your guys seems insane.

August 18, 2016 7:06 p.m.

Sjorpha says... #7

@Kuubudaraa: Yeah Sigarda's Aid is definitely worth considering. Not sure what to swap it for though given how tight for slots the deck already is.

August 19, 2016 5:08 a.m.

Icbrgr says... #8

Clever! Very similar to Glittering Wish in my Venser deck but with a different face/structure to it. Took me a minute to understand your brew but now I get it. Nicely done +1

October 31, 2016 8:48 p.m.

Color_pie14 says... #9

Hey thanks for the inspiration for this deck: Sunforger! I edited it to make it budget, and replaced the infinite combo that draws out your deck with the same thing but a different method. Basically alternate searching for Brass's Bounty and Pirate's Prize with 3 or more lands on the field for infinite draw 2! If you have any BUDGET ideas, please comment! Again, LOVE your deck!

February 4, 2018 6:04 p.m.

Sjorpha says... #10

Hi Color_pie14, thanks for the kind words, inspiring new decks is the best praise I could hope for!

Unfortunately your version of the combo doesn't work, Sunforger can only fetch red and/or white instants with converted mana cost 4 or less. So neither Brass's Bounty or Pirate's Prize work in this situation.

Fortunately there IS a more budget friendly version of the combo. Just replace the most expensive card in it, Mox Opal, with Desperate Ritual. You need 1 more white mana to go off this way, but otherwise it only needs the same wheel + kazuul or paladin + Sunforger on board.

What you do is use Sunforger to cast Desperate Ritual, you now have rrr in the pool. Use the extra W mana to forge for Manamorphose and chose double white, you now have wwrr in the pool. Now you can alternate Desperate Ritual and Manamorphose(choosing ww) to make as much mana and draw as many cards as you want. Once you've drawn the deck you can keep going by alternating casting the ritual and/or manamorphose from your hand to put a card back in your deck between each draw.

I use the Desperate Ritual version of the combo in my MTGO version of the deck, not for budget reasons but because I want a way to combo without needing to always draw the whole deck since that takes ages to do online.

Infinite Research MTGO version

Modern Sjorpha


Hopefully you can use this to finish your budget version of sunforger, I will see if I can do a budget translation of my own deck as well since it's alwyas nice to have a budget version for people to try out the concept.

February 5, 2018 6:30 a.m.

Color_pie14 says... #11

Thanks so much! I hadnt noticed the flaw, so thank you for noticing!

February 5, 2018 9:19 a.m.

Dorotheus says... #12

Looking at my Pure Steel Storm for ideas.
A singleton Noxious Revival is something you can fetch out and use to get something back that Wheel might have missed or give your opponent a bad top deck.
If you're going the infinite Manamorphose route i feel like having one Grapeshot gives you an easy out to make a semi-convoluted combo, simple, and Simian Spirit Guide can speed the deck up. If you start the combo with Desperate Ritual then cast a Manamorphose from hand, can't that just give infinite mana by chaining them after that? then Emrakul, the Aeons Torn would be a good finisher and could be way to keep your yard in your deck, while making the Nahiri, the Harbinger maindeckable.

I don't see what Flayer Husk or Batterskull are really doing in the deck besides being value cards, and combo decks with value cards usually cause inconsistency issues.

February 7, 2018 8:33 a.m.

Sjorpha says... #13

Thanks for the feedback Dorotheus.

Flayer hush/batterskull are in the deck as tutorable creatures in case other creatures gets killed and to provide a toughness buff to the enablers in case I need to survive my own jund charm or something. They also are equipments for card draw with paladin and ups the artifact count for metalcraft. So far I've found them to do a lot of work.

Grapeshot is completely redundant in the deck since if I combo off I have lots of ways to win, I can cast any spell in main or side an infinite number of times so it doesn't really do anything and just takes up a slot.

Noxious revival is nice but can't be fetched since it's the wrong colours and I don't think it does enough here. I use Mistveil Plains to put cards back in the deck.

I use the Desperate Ritual version of the combo in my MTGO version of the deck, but the mox opal version is slightly stronger as it only needs 2 mana to go off while the Desperate ritual needs 3. You could have it as redundancy but then again it would take up a slot.

I Currently use Blightsteel Colossus for the Nahiri Ultimate but you're right that Emrakul might be stronger. I wouldn't put in in the maindeck though, it's better to put in in with research if you need to ultimate as there is only one Nahiri to discard it from your hand and no reason to occupy a maindeck slot.

February 7, 2018 8:50 a.m.

CrapdosNoob says... #14

If you're life total isn't a problem, I would suggest running Spire of Industry over Glimmervoid since you can still play it without artifacts, unless the unconditional mana-fixing is more important.

February 7, 2018 7:06 p.m.

Sjorpha says... #15

CrapdosNoob, I have considered Spire of industry replacing GLimmervoid and I might do it eventually

One scenario where Glimmervoid is currently better is when I want to play a turn 2 Puresteel Paladin and a 0 mana equipment afterwards to draw the card. My life total can also sometimes matter quite a bit, especially against aggressive decks. The ability to turn the corner with big sunforger plays without losing life on turns 4, 5 or 6 can be improtant.

On the other hand Glimmervoid can be stuck in the hand or your opponent can punish you for playing it early by destroying the artifact, But I honestly haven't had a big problem with this.

I think it's actually a toss up which is better in that slot, but Spire is much cheaper so for someone who wants to build this and buy the lands it seems the more reasonable choice.

I'll try it out some and see how it goes, maybe play one of each to eliminate the risk of starting with 2 voids in hand which can be very awkward.

February 7, 2018 7:35 p.m.

Dawn Charm. Hands down an awesome card to fetch. Does almost anything you need a card to do to protect you.

February 11, 2018 8:36 p.m.

Sjorpha says... #17

Scion_of_Darkness: I've actually been using Dawn Charm in this deck quite a bit, I had it in my first version, it looks very good in theory but as it turned out over the course of many games it's very seldom the best card to fetch either if mainboarded or with research. Especially since settle the wreckage was printed you have more powerful options for each of those effects.

It would make most sense as a MB inclusion since it's more flexible and cheap than powerful, you'll want to maximize the raw power of SB cards since you'll almost never cast them from hand outside of enchantment removal, but I don't think it's good enough to replace any mainboard cards, the problem is that it's a pure "answer" card and IMO there isn't space for any potantially dead draws in the deck, it is better to have two copies of Boros charm for example that doubles as face damage and fetch all pure answers from the SB, that is kinda the whole design principle for this deck.

So that's my own experience with Dawn Charm so far, but I still agree that it's a strong and very versatile Sunforger target! Go ahead and try it if you build the deck.

I'll go ahead and add it to the list of good sideboard options in the description.

February 11, 2018 8:55 p.m. Edited.

I have a couple decks that either use or abuse Sunforger, which I will get around to posting someday. In them, I always include Dawn Charm and Boros Charm. Between those 2 cards you have 6 effects that can derail your opponents when played at the right moment. Ignore Wrath effects with indestructibility, Holy Day and attack, counter a Fireball aimed at your head, regenerate your best creature or surprise Double Strike. Dawn Charm is a card I always pick up, and I have pages in my binder full of them and use it in almost any deck that I play White in.

I really like how your brain is working with so many options. Settle the Wreckage is a nasty Fog effect... and having your sideboard as an extra hand is a neat idea. +1

February 11, 2018 10:31 p.m.

Combines my two favorite things, Boros and hammers. Lovin the combo potential and apparent consistency. This might be the deck that officially converts me from Standard to Modern, as soon as I can willingly afford these lands.

February 12, 2018 3:02 p.m.

CommanderNeyo says... #20

Wow, I really like this deck. It is very original, and I have never seen anything quite like it. How well does it perform?

February 12, 2018 6:21 p.m.

Sjorpha says... #21

CommanderNeyo: Thank you.

How good is the deck? Well, I've put quite a lot of time into building, testing and playing this deck, comparing it with other sunforger builds and trying to push it's performance as far as I can. I personally think it is just about the most competitive thing you can do specifically with Sunforger, however there is a limit to how competitive you CAN get with it. I don't think it's going to win anything big.

It has several turn 4 possible wins, has good mana, is ok-ish in consistency and can be surprisingly resilient. It can be explosive or grindy as needed.

BUT it suffers quite a bit in tournaments from the same SB hate people bring for Affinity and Lantern, especially Stony Silence, and it also suffers a bit from having it's own sideboard stacked with sunforger targets which is a strength but also a weakness in the sense that you're not bring the usual silver bullets like Blood Moon, Rest in Peace and so on.

I have top 4d a couple FNMs with it, you do have some really good matchups. For example it rolls all over any mill based strategy, it's good against lantern, it's good against any deck that is low on interaction and needs 4+ turns to kill you because you will combo kill them on turn 4 or 5 in most cases, so it's pretty good against valakut, tron if they stumble on the tron pieces a turn, pure aggro decks if you can land an early blocker or kill their first threat, and so on.

It's a little weak against decks with lots of mainboard interaction such as BGx midrange, you best bet there is if you can tempo them by responding to their removal with a boros charm to buy the turn to get to your first Sunforger activation.

Oncy you get to the point where you can activate sunforger you have game against almost anything, so the matchups depend very much on whether they can stop you from getting there in time or not.

It's requires quite a lot of practice and thinking, since you can fairly complex chains of answering through researching for the correct cards and understanding when you have an onboard kill, which are often easy to miss so it's easy to incorrectly start setting up a control game with research when you can actually just kill them. For example a double striked equipped Kazuul hits for 14+ so a simple boros charm can close the game against a greedy mana base, seeing all those edge cases is really key to the deck being good.

February 13, 2018 12:24 a.m.

CommanderNeyo says... #22

Wow, thank you for the detailed response. The deck looks like a ton of fun, and it has so many angles it can win from and protect itself.

February 13, 2018 1:47 a.m.

Pretty crazy build! +1

February 14, 2018 12:37 p.m.

hamiam says... #24

A W E S O M E +1

February 15, 2018 1:28 a.m.

Sjorpha says... #25

Thanks hamiam, love your silly combo decks :)

February 16, 2018 11:08 a.m.

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