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Green Eggs and Ham (first place pptq)

Modern Combo Competitive Dredge Four Color Maverick Reanimator



This is a modern dredge deck brewed over several months in a competitive environment. It is an all in combo deck that relies on getting protean hulk out and then making sure it dies (as opposed to being path to exiled) Some of the cards may look odd so I will explain each in turn.


Protean hulk: The key card in the deck. You do everything in your power to make sure it dies.

Faithless Looting, Lotleth Troll: These are discard outlets. They get the dredge cards, combo pieces, hulk and unburial rites into the graveyard. Lotleth Troll is also a blocker/beater. Faithless looting also draws/dredges you cards.

Golgari Grave Troll, Life From the Loam: Dredge cards get the combo pieces in the graveyard where you want them. Life from the Loam smooths out the mana base especially if you are facing blood moon. Golgari grave troll can also win you the game if you are in a tight spot where you can't combo.

Unburial rites, Footsteps of the Goryo: 'Cheats' 'the hulk' into play.

Tymaret the Murder King: Sometimes the hulk needs help to die before it get's exiled. This guy does that.

Body double, viscera seer, goblin arsonist, reveillark: This is the combo that wins you the game. You tutor for any parts of it you havn't dredged already using the protean hulk's trigger.

Corpse Blockade: Some people play curse of deaths hold or night of souls betrayal mainboard. This guy is a repeatable sacrifice outlet that doesn't die to either.


Gray Merchant of Asphodel: A combo piece that can get past leyline of sanctity.

Gnaw to the bone: Gain lots of life from the graveyard against burn/aggro

Ray of Revelation: Kills enchantments from the graveyard. Plenty of them arround: Splinter twin, wild defiance, rest in peace, curse of deaths hold, night of souls betrayal, bitterblossom, leyline of the void, blood moon.

Acidic slime: combo piece that kills pesky enchantments at the last minute as you combo.

path to exile: While this deck can win turn 3, bloom titan can be faster. This helps to slow it down.

Torrent Elemental: Well if you insist on exiling the graveyard I might as well.


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Went 4:2:1 23rd place, 18 boosters plus promo and deckbox.

Played against abzan/jund three times won all those matches.

Also beat Martyr of Sands control deck 2:0

Lost to Jeskai controll/burn and to Zoo, mostly due to not seeing enough land after mulligans to 3 or 4. Also one bad keep against the zoo player.

Drew against Grixis tempo. My opponent was playing incredibly slowly. With hindsight I should have called a Judge.

Overall a great tournament.

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Date added 9 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

28 - 9 Rares

12 - 3 Uncommons

10 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.50
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