
After almost half a decade, I decided to return and rebuild my Burn deck in paper. So many things happened since then, and the Modern landscape have drastically changed - now even better with the printing of Boltwave. Nevertheless, BURN IS BURN, and it will be able to adapt no matter what.



Goblin Guide - classic 1-drop for burn decks. He can deal 4 damage on average, which is really over-costed for that 1 {R}. The "drawback" actually helps us get information from our opponent's deck. Giving them lands doesn't matter when they are dead anyway.

Monastery Swiftspear - she is great with her prowess ability, capable of growing in size while you sling fire and lightning to opponent's face - hence the reason of her banning in the pauper format.

Eidolon of the Great Revel - have fallen out of favor due to the rampage of the evoke elementals from Modern Horizons, becoming more of a liability. However with the banning of both Fury and Grief, they are slowing making a comeback as well.


Lightning Bolt - still the best burn spell in MTG ever... PERIOD.

Lava Spike - a sorcery speed bolt that only target players. But hey, Burn Decks always target players primarily. This is your bolt 5~8.

Boltwave - the newest bolt on the block that ignores Leyline of Sanctity, with a drawback of not hitting creatures like Lava Spike. This is now bolt 9~12.

Rift Bolt - sorcery speed bolt that can get around Chalice, while hitting both creatures or players. It's delayed for 1 turn, but can be deadly if 3 copies are suspended at the same time. Effectively your bolt 13~16, but be very careful when playing with Roiling Vortex around.

Skewer the Critics - another "sorcery speed bolt" that gets around Chalice. This is "bolt 17~20" and using its spectacle cost will literally skewer opponents. Perfect to cast after Rift Bolts comes off suspend.

Boros Charmfoil - a 4 direct damage to the face for just 2 mana - one of the reasons why why play Boros colors. Don't forget that it has other modes as well, such as saving your army of guides and swiftspears from boardwipes by making them indestructible. Double-Strike mode is also useful when facing a Leyline of Sanctity.

Searing Blaze - with the deck filled with fetches, it's easy to trigger landfall at opponent's turn. This spell pretty much acts as both removal and burn to the face. Do note that it won't fizzle even if target creature becomes illegal, unlike Searing Blood.


Mountain - combos with everything!! Seriously you can't be playing this deck without these.

Arid Mesa, Scalding Tarn and Wooded Foothills - the Fetch Lands of the deck. Basically, any Fetch Land that can grab Mountains or Sacred Foundryfoil will do.

Sacred Foundryfoil - allows us to cast Boros Charm and other white splashed spells.

Inspiring Vantage - the printing of the Boros fastland helped reduced self-damage from fetching to shocking, making Boros Burn less painful than its previous Naya version of not so long ago.

Sunbaked Canyon and Fiery Islet - the Canopy lands that can be used as a card draw when flooding and running out of gas, useful when you wanted to burn those last few points life off from the opponent.

Sunbillow Verge - a newly printed verge land for testing purposes, hence the singleton copy for now.


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BURN COME BACK! - 04/03/2020

Modern NAYA Burn Deck. It is a straight-forward direct damage with some creatures to help ZAP, BOLT and BURN your opponents to a crisp... and now will also SKEW some unbelievers!



Goblin Guide - classic 1-drop for burn decks. He can deal 4 damage on average, which is really over-costed for that 1 {R}. The "drawback" actually helps us get information from our opponent's deck. Giving them lands doesn't matter when they are dead anyway.

Monastery Swiftspear - she is great with her prowess ability and can help deal 10 damage by turn 2. Like guide, she can be a bad topdeck though.

Eidolon of the Great Revel - modern has lots of 3-cmc and below spells (like us) and this punishes them. It is a guaranteed 2 damage if opponent deals with it. It hurts us also, so play with it carefully.


Lightning Bolt - the best burn spell in MTG ever... PERIOD.

Lava Spike - a sorcery speed bolt that only target players. But hey, Burn Decks always target players primarily. Gets around Spellskite. This is your bolt 5~8.

Rift Bolt - another sorcery speed bolt that can hit both creatures and players. It's delayed for 1 turn, but can be deadly if 3 copies are suspended at the same time. Effectively your bolt 9~12.

Boros Charm - a 4 direct damage to the face for just 2 mana! It also gets around the pesky Spellskite. Don't forget that it has other modes as well, such as saving your army of guides and swiftspears from boardwipes by making them indestructible. Double-Strike mode is also useful when facing a Leyline of Sanctity.

Lightning Helix - the spell resulting the combination of Lightning Bolt and Healing Salve. Pretty much helps us due to that fetching and shocking with lands.

Searing Blaze - with the deck filled with fetches, it's easy to trigger landfall at instant speed. This spell pretty much acts as both removal and burn to the face. Do note that it won't fizzle even if target creature becomes illegal, unlike Searing Blood.

Atarka's Command - primarily used as aSkullcrack, its other modes are useful as well. It can boost guides and swiftspears with +1/+1 by also giving Reach (which could be relevant sometimes) and able to do a land drop at instant speed just in case you need a landfall trigger from Searing Blaze.

Skewer the Critics - the NEWEST burn weapon that could go around a Chalice set on 2 just like Rift Bolt, will likely. This new "bolt" spell using its spectacle cost will literally skewer opponents.


Mountain - combos with everything!! Seriously you can't be playing this deck without these.

Arid Mesa and Bloodstained - helps thin your deck (although not that relevant statistically) and lowers the chance of top-decking lands whenever you need a burn spell instead. Best used to get our shocklands.

Wooded Foothills - now that allied fetches are legal in Modern, this is a good addition fetching those shocklands when needed.

Sacred Foundry - allows us to cast Boros Charm and other white splashed spells.

Stomping Ground - allows us to cast the latest card, Atarka's Command and other green splashed spells.


This continues to revolve and change depending on meta. With Twin banned, Rending Volley has been removed.

Destructive Revelry - Naya Burn's ultimate answer to pesky enchantments and also problematic artifacts while also shocking your opponents. No need to be afraid of Leyline of Sanctity anymore. Always run 4.

Deflecting Palm - perfect against big beaters like Emrakul, Titans, large affinity critter and even a super pumped up infect creatures. Can instantly win you games sometimes.

Volcanic Fallout - the only 3-cmc for the deck. It's a sweeper that also deals 2 to the face. It's perfect against blue decks because it can't be countered.

Path to Exile - while it doesn't deal damage on its own, it helps the deck survive against large threats (when Palm is not available). Exiling that Goyf, Wurmcoil or Griselbrand is a must most of the time when it's killing you.

Kor Firewalker - the solution against the Mirror. Take out all the eidolons and replace them with these guys.

Smash to Smithereens - additional artifact hate with a bolt attached.

Sudden Shock - although lack luster in damage ratio, Split Second does a quick work against infect creatures and affinity critters, particularly Arcbound Ravager.

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97% Competitive

Date added 11 years
Last updated 12 hours

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

25 - 5 Rares

12 - 7 Uncommons

20 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.70
Folders Red, Modern Decks, Decks, Modern, burn, Modern, Red , READ DEAK WEANS, Favourites
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