Primal Cocoon

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Primal Cocoon

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

At the beginning of your upkeep, put a +1/+1 counter on enchanted creature.

When enchanted creature attacks or blocks, sacrifice Primal Cocoon.

ShredderPM86 on Yas-all-ova but the Crying - Yasova EDH

2 years ago

I would recommend adding Primal Cocoon and maybe a Ring of Kalonia for a constant upkeep increase, as well ass Might of the Masses to pump her up decently in a turn to steal something with some heft to it. Blanchwood Armor as a maybe, seeing that you only have 9 instances of forests in your land base. Beast Within, Rapid Hybridization, and Pongify are good cheap to cast removals.

Paloma on Cock a Doodle Doo

6 years ago

Scute Mob one of my favourite cards, and does make a lot of sense, but I'm worried I won't get enough lands out all that often... I usually start cycling my lands after I have three or four out. I'll try putting in a couple and see how often it works out for me! It is very on-message.

I wonder if Primal Cocoon might be a good fit as well...

Feyamius on

6 years ago

Oookay ... cracks fingers

In a +1/+1 counter deck, you really want creatures with persist. They almost never die for good in this environment. Creatures with undying are normally less ideal, but with Zameck Guildmage, you can immediately use that spare +1/+1 counter on the returned creature to draw a card. You could play those instead of bad draw spells like Counsel of the Soratami or Divination. Amass the Components is ... meh.

And I can't take a +1/+1 counter deck without Ivy Lane Denizen and Viridian Joiner (which I like to call "pauper Gyre Sage") seriously. Like, at all. So put them in. ;)

Good cards for that deck (I'd say better than sth like Awaken the Bear or Larger than Life) would also be Ferocity and Predatory Hunger, maybe Primal Cocoon too.

Let's come to the landbase: Unknown Shores are bad and you don't need bad fixing in a two-color deck (and even if you needed the fixing, I'd run Rupture Spire and Transguild Promenade first before considering sth like the Shores). Do you know Opal Palace and Path of Ancestry ? I'd recommend playing 36 lands total as well.

I hope this was of some help to you.

Always keep it Simic!

SkullOfPoison on Uril Aura EDH

7 years ago

Some good cards for this would be Unquestioned Authority, Battle Mastery, Open the Armory, Daybreak Coronet, Sterling Grove, Hero of Iroas, Nomad Mythmaker, Druid of the Anima, Naya Charm, and Temur Battle Rage.

Armored Ascension, Lifelink, and Angel's Mercy are some cards you could take out.

You could also take out some Umbra cards because you have Umbra Mystic.

Replace Primal Cocoon with Forced Adaptation if you want.

SirSchmoopy111 on

8 years ago

Melancholy is meh, i'd rather spend w to kill, rather than the 3 to tap and boost goyf. Primal Cocoon is interesting, but unless I play it on a creature the turn I play the creature, it slows me down

dotytron on

8 years ago

Melancholy or Primal Cocoon could be an option to boost goyf a bit and have some more control

CaputStercoris on Tribal 1 Drops

8 years ago

I really enjoy the idea behind this deck. It sparked just a few thoughts worth some degree of consideration.

Spike Drone Is a quality choice...especially in combo with Primal Cocoon

Almost any of the one-drop charms would help, as the commander format needs some degree of versatility Emerald Charm, Hope Charm, Ivory Charm, Piety Charm, Seedling Charm or Vitality Charm.

I would not completely overlook Soldier of the Pantheon either, considering how much multicolor works its way into commander.

Just a little food for thought...

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