Intervention Pact

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Intervention Pact


The next time a source of your choice would deal damage to you this turn, prevent that damage. You gain life equal to the damage prevented this way.

At the beginning of your next upkeep, pay . If you don't, you lose the game.

Balaam__ on Balaam__

2 months ago

legendofa Back with another batch.



Veteran Armorer

Sword of the Paruns

Anthem of Rakdos

Brace for Impact

Magewright's Stone

Evolution Charm

Seal of Primordium

Intervention Pact

Mystic Speculation

Veilstone Amulet


Blinding Powder…if the guy holding it is trying to blind himself XD

Exile into Darkness is reminiscent of Cage of Hands. Right perspective, hands coming from off screen, but they’re disembodied.

Clinging Darkness see above.

Hex seems like it isn’t FPP, but if you’ve ever toiled away painting/organizing miniatures, sometimes you’ll stoop down to check things and get this very perspective.

Spectral Searchlight odd angle, but possible.

Haunting Hymn this one’s tough. If you take the whispy tendril thingies to be limbs, then this potentially qualifies. If it’s supposed to be smoke or vapors, then no. I don’t know anything about the lore/backstory of this card to know what’s going on here.

Almost certainly not:

Shuko check the thumbs. It’s not FPP

Umezawa's Jitte see above

Fury Charm almost certainly not FPP, unlike the other charm.

Darke on just kill me lmao (Selenia PRIMER)

3 years ago

WarSpaniel No, you’re totally right. It would kill you, but you can avoid this by casting Intervention Pact targeting Sickening Dreams to avoid the damage to you. You can also just drop Repay in Kind and win that way.

jamochawoke on What, Exactly, is Wrong with …

3 years ago

What makes Intervention Pact pretty ok is it stops damage from any source, including big spell finishers and artifacts like Aetherflux Reservoir , not just combat damage and it's upkeep cost for next turn isn't half bad compared to other Pacts. It's a nice "oh shit" spell to have around when facing any color other than red since red has so many spells that turn off damage prevention (and its most popular finisher spell is Banefire ). Now if it just flat out stopped you from losing the game from any one source it might be too powerful. Dunno really.

MagicMarc on What, Exactly, is Wrong with …

3 years ago

I think it's funny that someone is defending WOTC not reprinting Intervention Pact with the reason being that it sucks in a thread about What is Wrong with White.

Design is What is Wrong with White.

When creating the Pact cycle, someone at their offices actually thought that Intervention Pact is good enough to share a cycle and design space with Pact of Negation . Or good enough to be in the same group with it. And then a whole group of people in design, R&D and the approval process also thought the same thing.

The sad part is that a card like Holy Day is probably a much better card overall and in more situations.

DemonDragonJ on What, Exactly, is Wrong with …

3 years ago

In this article, today, Mark Rosewater stated that the white card in the pact cycle, Intervention Pact , was deemed unworthy of being reprinted in Time Spiral Remastered, despite the other four pacts being reprinted, and it greatly saddens me to hear an employee of WotC say that, since this seems to be them acknowledging that white is severely underpowered, compared to the other colors.

Why would Intervention Pact be unworthy, when Pact of the Titan is almost entirely worse, in my mind?

legendofa on Hive Mind

4 years ago

The classic win combo is the Future Sight pacts: Intervention Pact, Pact of Negation, Slaughter Pact, Pact of the Titan, and Summoner's Pact. Cast whichever one your opponent(s) can't, they fail to pay the upkeep cost, and they lose. In EDH, there's usually more color variety, but you should be able to take a cheap win over at least one person. Pact of the Titan is probably the least likely to backfire, but I'm guessing at this point.

Quoyle on Elsha of the Infinite Combos

4 years ago

Chandra's Ignition only deals damage to your opponents. No Intervention Pact nor Angel's Grace needed.

FryingPandaZip on Laboratory Maniac Deck

4 years ago

Intervention Pact could work with Spoils of the Vault but this whole setup is extremely risky. It's very easy for a Counterspell to lose you the game.

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