Enter the Dungeon

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Format Legality
Archenemy Legal
Casual Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Limited Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Unformat Legal
Vanguard Legal

Enter the Dungeon


Players play a Magic subgame under the table starting at 5 life, using their libraries as their decks. After the subgame ends, the winner searches their library for two cards, puts those cards into their hand, then shuffles their library.

SpammyV on The Silver Showdown: A Silver-Bordered …

4 years ago

Welcome to The Silver Showdown! This is a box set for 2-5 players to allow for silver-bordered Commander games. If you've ever seen someone's Commander Smash Up set, the same concept has been applied here. If you haven't:

There are ten 50-card decks consisting of a Commander and 49 other cards. They are:

Perfect Silicon Logic

The Great Communicator

Blatant Thievery

Etiquette For Being A Proper Host

Count Down

Roll With the Changes

Big City Knights

Active Voice Only

Water Pistols at Dawn


Assume that every Commander has Partner.

The decks can be randomly dealt out or snake drafted.

If snake drafting, set the decks out and determine who's going first. Following the turn order, every selects a deck until everyone has one, and then you reverse that to choose second decks. The last player to choose their first deck is the first to choose their second, and the player going first is the last to choose their second deck.

After you get your decks I really recommend reviewing them before shuffling up. If your position is "I ain't a coward" and you just go for it then I won't stop you but there's some oddball cards in here.

Additionally, there's another houserule in place. I have two complete sets of Contraptions, and before we get started the Contraption deck gets shuffled up and put in the middle of the table. At Sorcery speed (your turn, stack is empty) you can pay 1+1 for each Contraption you have to Assemble a Contraption.

If you've never had the chance to play with Contraptions:

-Contraptions live in the Contraption Deck until they're played.

-If they leave the battlefield, they go to the Scrapyard instead of anywhere else.

-When you Assemble a Contraption you attach it to Sprocket 1, 2, or 3.

-On your upkeep, move the Contraption to the next Sprocket (starting on 1) and then you may Crank any number of Contraptions attached to that Sprocket.

You may ask, "Why not just make a silver-bordered Commander deck?"

And I might answer, "I've been lucky enough to play with relaxed groups that have been accepting of me playing with silver-bordered cards. While they've been a lot of fun, there's still cards that I have not used because I am concerned they would be too disruptive. And usually, I am the only one with the funny cards. I wanted to be able to let everyone have fun with these and get into the crazier stuff since the baseline assumption of the game is 'We are playing with silver-bordered cards' rather than 'I am bringing some silver-bordered cards into our black-bordered experience.'

"There's also a consideration of power level. Many silver-bordered cards, even if they are quite fun, are not up to the same power level as even casual groups. It can be difficult to feel like you're making an impact on the game. While bringing preconstructed decks does take away the self-expression aspect of Commander, I'm hoping to balance the decks to each other."

The intent is to create games of full of silver-bordered interactions, but fairly matched up. Big turns and attacking opponents are encouraged. Infinite combos have been intentionally avoided. Assist spells from Battlebond and the "friend or foe" cycle are included to encourage helping other players out and cutting deals. Also in favor of the game experience, there's three lists: The Notably Absent, The Notably Observed, and The Notably Considered:

The Notably Absent:

Rules Lawyer and Staying Power: They're together because they're on this list for the same reason. I appreciate both of these cards but here's the thing: Even when everyone is playing serious Magic and trying to enforce all the rules as normal, stuff gets missed all the time in Commander. Replacement effects that don't do anything for four turns get ignored. People forget that extra buff that meant their creature would've lived through that combat. It's never a feeling I've enjoyed having and so I don't see trying to have everyone selectively ignoring rules adding fun. Now, Really Epic Punch is in the decklists, but that is an issue of scale. +2/+2 can be represented easily. Staying Power is even fine in two-player Unsanctioned. But I don't see it scaling up better.

Clocknapper: I was fortunate enough to never play with or against this in Unstable draft, but it frequently appeared in the games next to me, and it was always a downer when it resolved. I'll just as soon avoid Clocknapper than worry about every effect that involves bouncing or flickering leading to an infinite turns win.

The Notably Observed:

Half-Squirrel, Half-: The trigger here is on everyone's nontoken creatures entering the battlefield. That is something that can scale out of control quickly in a four-player game.

Ordinary Pony: I very nearly cut Ordinary Pony to break up the Half-Squirrel, Half-Pony combination, but decided to give them a chance. Depending on the trigger, repeatable flickering can get out of hand real fast.

The Notably Considered:

Nothing right now.

Q & As!

Q: What are these black-bordered cards doing here?

A: Okay first off, the White Knight and Black Knight are the white-bordered 5th Edition printing so they trigger Border Guardian.

The real answer is playability. But the overriding principle, the guide line of the set, the "What Would Richard Garfield Do?" (cast Fork on Shahrazad) line of the set is: Black-bordered inclusions exist to support the silver-bordered cards, not to supplant them.

Q: Where's Cheatyface? No Entirely Normal Armchair?

A: Cheatyface can be in any Blue deck. Entirely Normal Armchair can be anywhere. Before I put the decks away I'll flip them face down and randomly choose a deck to shuffle them into and then not really think about where I put them at all. You're highly encouraged to look through your deck before playing. Besides, Cheatyface making himself the 51st card seems more fitting.

Q: Why only in the Blue decks?

A: Why indeed.

Q: Don't you know The Grand Calcutron isn't a creature?

A: Check the Gatherer! It has been officially declared that The Grand Calcutron can be your Commander.

Q: How do and The Grand Calcutron work?

A: Not like you think. Since you can only play the first card of your Program, you can't cast cards out of your opponent's Program. Now, if X was the first card in the opponent's Program they wouldn't be able to do anything because they can't cast X. But since everyone orders their own Program... just don't do that.

Q: What happens if Look at Me, I'm R&D or More or Less makes you roll a d5 or d7?

A: I have odd-number dice. Make my day.

Q: Why no Enter the Dungeon?

A: I like The Countdown Is at One more.

Q: How do you separate the decks out?

A: Multicolored Sharpies. Put two dots on the front of the sleeve to show which color pair the card belongs in.

Q: Where do you go from here?

A: I'd really like to look at getting more Playtest cards to include. Since I have blanks I can sleeve up, something like Gunk Slug would be easy to include. There's also some more silver-bordered cards like Letter Bomb and Jalum Grifter that I didn't really think about until after I'd resolved to stop ordering cards.

Flooremoji on None

6 years ago

Also, Enter the Dungeon. Neither of these are 'fixed' completely. Ah Un-sets.

DiceMaster3 on What happens with used cards?

6 years ago

These three cards Shahrazad, Enter the Dungeon, and The Countdown Is at One all say "start a subgame" but they don't say where the cards used in the subgames go afterwards. Do they go to the graveyards or exile or just leave them where the subgame was?

deliciousalmonds on $15 Super Un-Villains

7 years ago

@RubyOrzhov Ahh hmnn Ill try to add him in... I didnt like him at first because I cant even pretend that he synergizes with Mary

Thematically I want to add in Enter the Dungeon as well but its kinda pricy

Maybe i should take out Over My Dead Bodies, but at least it synergizes with killbots and mary

Caerwyn on Can't wish for more wishes? Wish for more genies!

7 years ago

Spellweaver Helix would be a horrific addition to the deck. Imprinting Enter the Dungeon and Burning Wish would just be evil--you cast Enter the Dungeon, Burning Wish goes on the stack, giving you another copy of Enter the Dungeon, then you play a subgame. You have now replaced the Enter the Dungeon you cast, and have another one in your hand, ready for your next play. Or, you could play the Burning Wish, putting Enter the Dungeon on the stack, and then wish for a new Enter the Dungeon once the subgame ends and Burning Wish resolves. This would also leave you with an Enter the Dungeon in your hand, allowing you to perform the first loop. You would never run out of subgames.

With some more mana rocks and the addition of Paradox Engine, you could go infinite with your subgames.

colton815 on goblin tokens

7 years ago

Enter the Dungeon is not modern legal.

judging by the fact that all of your lands are basics, i think its safe to assume you're a very new player not just to modern, but mtg as a whole. if you're running 3 colors, you need fetchlands and shocklands. Arid Mesa, Marsh Flats, Bloodstained Mire, Blood Crypt, Godless Shrine, Sacred Foundry.

honestly though, goblins are better off in mono-red. of the instants and enchantments you have, the only one worth running is Lightning Bolt. the Foul-Tongue Shriek is a neat trick, but not enough to splash black for. it could be replaced with Throne of the God-Pharaoh. you also need room for Goblin Grenade.

contrary to what xyr0s says, Lightning Bolt is not "mandatory" just because a deck has access to red mana. but it does help the aggro battle plan of goblins.

i would also strongly recommend staying away from Goblin Guide. i know its widely regarded as a good card, but as someone who has played against it many times, i'm not impressed. its never really helped my opponent win when they play it. giving your opponent a land isn't something you really want to do. and even if the revealed card isn't a land, the knowledge of their next card helps them a lot more than it helps you. if you want a turn 1 play, i'd recommend Legion Loyalist over Goblin Guide or Foundry Street Denizen. first strike and trample go great with Goblin Piledriver and Goblin Rabblemaster.

also, what do you mean by "larger games"? do you mean "longer" games? in either case, your sideboard doesn't help you. Ankle Shanker is 5 mana. that requires a minimum of 24 lands (with some sort of mana ramp or lots of control options also strongly recommended) which means much less space for the low cmc spells that you need to guarantee appear early. and as i already mentioned, Enter the Dungeon is not modern legal. lastly, lands should never be included in the sideboard. the maindeck lands should be able to get you the correct amount and colors of mana you need by themselves.

Lord_Khaine on Pattern Recognition #52 - Arabian …

7 years ago

I'm the odd player who actually likes Shahrazad.

I remember Shahrazad only being $60 when I started Magic (2014, 2015?), and debating buying one, maybe a playset if I picked up extra hours at work. Now It'd cost me $1000 for a playset, though I'm not sure why the price spiked so much.

Though in memory of that card, I built a deck of four Enter the Dungeon, four Burning Wish, and four Death Wish, with the Wishes grabbing copies 5-12 of Enter the Dungeon.

RIP Shahrazad, banned from formats by Wizards and restricted from collections by price.

Lord_Khaine on Hypergeometric Nightmare - Enter the …

7 years ago

Entrei I'm afraid you may be right. Part of why I'm concerned about the odds of additional Enter the Dungeons entering my deck is that it affects how many I'll need to order beyond the playset I have right now.

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