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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Rules Q&A
Endless Swarm
Put a 1/1 green Snake creature token into play for each card in your hand.
Epic (For the rest of the game, you can't play spells. At the beginning of each of your upkeeps, copy this spell except for its epic ability.)

Daburrito on
hish of the snake cult playtest commander
4 months ago
I made an account just to leave this comment... Endless Swarm? It's not a GREAT card, but definitely a funny one in this deck. Definitely need to have something like a Thought Vessel or Reliquary Tower out before playing it, though.
Orange+ on
Pinball Wizard
3 years ago
Hey xram666, thanks for your suggestions :)
I have had a look at Endless Swarm, and also other potentially good epic cards like Eternal Dominion, Neverending Torment, and Undying Flames. My problem with these cards is that 1) I don't feel like its safe to cast them early, so if I happen to draw them to the first Golos, Tireless Pilgrim activation, its kind of a waste; and 2) they are a bit boring. I mean, if I play Neverending Torment, I wont be able to play any more big sorceries for the rest of the game. And playing big sorceries is kind of the point of this deck. That said, it could be really good, especially if I have a Reliquary Tower on the board, and have gotten to cast one of the draw spells. That should easily give me a hand of 15 cards.
I really like Feral Incarnation, and will probably add it right in :D. I've done the comparison on token producers really easy for myself (and maybe a bit stupidly), and I am currently just adding power together. So for most of my token spells, they add up to about 8, like Elemental Masterpiece, which is 4x2 in power. So since 3x3=9, it beats several of the ones I have included :)
The categories are a bit tangled, but I like them the way they are. Some spells are a bit hard to place, like Inspired Ultimatum and also Necrotic Hex, because they could have been placed in more than one category. What I've done is added them in the category which identifies why I'm playing the card. And in the case of Necrotic Hex, I'm playing it as a board wipe variation that is able to clear indestructible creatures. Might switch things around later on though, nothing is set in stone.
Hour of Reckoning is good, and I have thought about playing it, but I just barely felt like not doing it. I don't want to swap out a board wipe that doesn't kill Golos for it, and the ones that don't kill him have nice side effects, like killing all enchantments and artifacts or giving me tokens. It's also a bit scary to let tokens live when I know of quite a few decks that like to spam tokens. In many cases, those are the most important board wipes - Like if your playing against Krenko, Mob Boss, and he has created 300 goblin tokens, but they have summoning sickness and there's no sac outlet. I don't know.. I might have to think more about how well Hour of Reckoning would work in the deck.
xram666 on
Pinball Wizard
3 years ago
Nice deck: +1 from me for sure.
A really interesting card for token production: Endless Swarm. Somewhat dangerous but winning with this card definitely feels satisfying.
Another option for tokens would be Feral Incarnation
By the way. I would additionally add Necrotic Hex in the token category.
With only token aside your commander you can also think about Hour of Reckoning
Kingtalk on
You wanna fight? I'm just wurming up
6 years ago
ChefSandman Thanks for the suggestion! Definitely an interesting interaction. I'll consider it, but having a large hand size is one of my main win-cons with Endless Swarm in the playesting I've done.
Caerwyn on
Snake Bite
6 years ago
You need to cut Coat of Arms from this deck if you are going to be playing against other tribes. Coat of Arms will benefit your opponents as well. Consider instead Vanquisher's Banner. The power bonus is less significant, but it nets you some card draw.
Endless Swarm is pretty mediocre. At 8 mana, it comes out a tad late in the game, when you are likely going to be low on spells. It is going to take a while before your natural card draw results in significant token generation.
Personally, I think every blue and green commander deck should run Imprisoned in the Moon and Song of the Dryads. These spells (along with White's Darksteel Mutation, are my favourite removal spells in all of Commander. Because the targets remain on the battlefield, your opponents do not have the option of returning enemy commanders to the command zone--these auras effectively remove an enemy commander without the option for recasting.
Defense of the Heart is a great card in green, and I think you have enough high-costed creatures to justify its inclusion.
Since you are playing tribal, your enemies are likely to go wide. An overloaded Cyclonic Rift will help you greatly.
You probably want to run more aggressive ramp so you can more fully make use of Kaseto's ability.
Decisive on
Snakes & Spirits (budget flavor)
7 years ago
Cultivate - More Ramp, like Kodama's Reach
Sol Ring - Iconic EDH ramp, I don't know how you don't run it
Rogue's Passage - Get in some extra damage
Whispersilk Cloak - Shroud your commander, or make something big unblockable
Lightning Greaves - Give a big guy haste, or shroud something important
Harmonize/Treasure Cruise - Card Draw
I think you can cut some snakes, and you might wanna lose Endless Swarm, that epic won't do much for ya, since your deck isn't card-draw based
Last second idea, Sakura-Tribe Elder, how you don't run this card already will forever be a mystery!
savagetrooper on
The three best words in Magic
7 years ago
Love the deck! You've inspired me to want to build Zegana. How do you feel about Endless Swarm and Eternal Dominion? They would be great win cons. Swarm is nasty because if planned correctly you will have many many cards in hand. Dominion is another win con since you take the best cards from your opponent.