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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Defensive Formation
Instead of the attacking player, you assign the combat damage of creatures attacking you.
Abaques on Share your hidden gems
3 months ago
In a slightly similar vein to banding and Defensive Formation, a card I've got in my Queen Marchesa deck that I've never been able to play but always wanted to is Fight or Flight. I think it could really screw up combat focused decks and could be really useful as a political tool.
SteelSentry on Share your hidden gems
3 months ago
I don't like the banding lands for taking up your land drop, but Defensive Formation gives you banding for your blockers, as well as the earlier statement about negating trample.
One card that does work with the lands, that I think should be played a lot more with a suitable package for your strategy, is Crop Rotation. It's popular in land strategies, but there are so many good utility lands nowadays that even nonland strategies should consider it. At the least, you can trade a basic for a rainbow land to help fix your mana. (This totally counts as "hidden", right? :p)
StopShot on I wanted to build a …
4 months ago
@FormOverFunction, I like banding + blocking, but I want to keep the power of the walls as low as possible. I want my opponents to feel like they'll keep their stuff when swinging into me, so that when they attack, I get more and more life gain from my commander blocking.
Defensive Formation is a more appealing card as it's practically the same thing but cheaper and also applies to my commander, however its value goes down a lot the more indestructible effects I put on my walls, which is why I'm on the fence about it.
Local_Hethen on Masako EDH
1 year ago
How about:
Phyrexian Vindicator, solves flying and deters combat.
Since you have Brave the Sands, you can use Defensive Formation to assign blocked damage how you choose.
Some runner ups Boromir, Warden of the Tower, Aven Mindcensor, Ghostly Prison, Maze of Ith.
Ender666666 on Band of the Hawk
1 year ago
Hi, Banding is an amazing ability and I would highly recommend utilizing it. Baton of Morale is awesome, but do not overlook Defensive Formation which grants you the benefits of a Banded Block, without technically using the Banding mechanic.
gavriel1136 on What are the best defensive …
3 years ago
For your daily dose of incredibly obscure and niche cards, I present Defensive Formation .
What does it do? It is one of, if not the only card in the game that stops your opponents creatures from trampling over your smaller creatures. Take THAT, Ghalta!
Snickles@EDH_only on We're Getting the Band Back Together
6 years ago
WHAAAAAT!?! no love for Old Fogey in the "bands with others" section? for shame! =P
In all seriousness, fun stuff, and a decent explination (especially given the length of the actual rules text). the closest parallel I've seen was Defensive Formation, but for the band itself, rather than all blocking creatures. nice work!
TheDeckMaker2300 on List of Interesting cards some may have forgotten
6 years ago
Alright lets see if we can resurrect this
Reverence IN YOUR FACE Rhys the Redeemed AND Krenko, Mob Boss!!! >:)
Kuon, Ogre Ascendant flip it then congratulations you just got a budget version of The Abyss to the field
Thoughts of Ruin ados lands
Defensive Formation you get to puppet how damage gets threw asign all 12 of ghaltas damage to a pathetic 1/1 which is also being blocked by a deathtouch creature
Purify destory all artifacts and enchantments for 5 count me in
Planar Void do you reconize the effect?... anwser is Rest in Peace and Leyline of the Void the void is $27 rest in peace is $4 (as of masters 25) but whats the price of planar void...28........CENTS WHY IS IT ONLY $0.28 BESIDES THE FACT IT HITS EVERYBODY!!
Outmaneuver here let me give my dudes or your dudes super trample for the attack
Harmonic Convergence enchantments to top which is hate love it
you think Reflect Damage is the only option for this think again we also have Mirror Strike which is one mana less by the way and a creature that does this magic trick its name is Glarecaster ability actiavtion is exspensive but did you notice the part its like shooting everything with redirect damage
Death Match token and creatures 3 toughness or lower hate coming at ya
Debt of Loyalty i will save your creature from being put into the graveyard.....too bad i get to steal it right after
Teferi's Veil unearth and i have to exil...oh wait they don't exist so the exile clause doesn't work and i get to keep my stuff lol
AEther Flash i promise this is underplayed not even the dinosaur tribal decks are using it that much
Tranquil Grove a infinite use enchantment nuke wonderful
Sudden Death nice try breya
Yixlid Jailer goodbye graveyard evil
Llanowar Mentor Llanowar Elves factory coming right up
to be continued......