Aven Fleetwing

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Aven Fleetwing

Creature — Bird Soldier



mrdehring on Playful Sultai Mutate

4 years ago

This deck leans really heavily on three drops. The mutate mechanic needs some lower cost creatures to get started. I see you have Slippery Bogle and Paradise Druid as low drop creatures that are hard to remove. You may want to find a few more. Gladecover Scout and Silhana Ledgewalker are good hexproof creature to add. Mana dorks are also good to mutate onto as well. Llanowar Elves et al. are fine, Birds of Paradise is probably better. I would cut some of your three drops to add some of these.

Cold-Eyed Selkie seems like a great inclusion. Dreamstealer, Cephalid Constable, and Needle Specter play with the same area in different ways.

Predator Ooze seems strong in this archetype. Creepy Doll, Darksteel Myr, Sapling of Colfenor, and Stuffy Doll might also give you some good indestructible options.

The balance between hexproof and indestructible seems like a challenge, but you kinda get both from Thrun, the Last Troll and Troll Ascetic. A few other higher cmc hexproof creature you may find interesting Witchstalker and Aven Fleetwing.

Teferi's Time Twist and other effects that blink creatures can make your single large "Voltron" creature into a small army.

Swiftfoot Boots is also a nice inclusion, but stay away from Lightning Greaves

Kjartan on Bounce and Swing

6 years ago

Okay, it's pretty decent.

But why Curse of the Bloody Tome.

You aren't winning with mill, and you basically don't use your grave.

Aven Fleetwing might not be what you want to do eiter. It's a very slow 4-drop, with no immediate impact, in a deck with 19 lands. (It's pretty good vs Jund though.)

Neurok Commando could be a replacement.

Pieguy396 on Angel's Ascent

7 years ago

Hey there! Sweet deck!

I would recommend running at least some form of removal, maybe Oust, Condemn, or Path to Exile (or Swords to Plowshares if you don't care about Modern legality). On a separate note, Curator of Mysteries is a great flier (even if you don't have any cycling cards), as is Conundrum Sphinx, which obviously gets better if you play Serum Visions, which coincidentally is another card I'd highly recommend for your deck. As for removals, I'd take out Angel's Mercy, Mindshrieker, Roc Egg, Aven Fleetwing, and possibly Wild Griffin as well.

In any case, I hope this helps! Have fun!

HeWhoIsInTheWater on Grixis Spellshaper - with Primer

8 years ago

Thanks for looking at it! That's a good point about not having enough finishers, so I think I will try Aven Fleetwing, since most decks don't run much in the way of flying, except for Peregrine Drake and Mulldrifter. Breezekeeper hits hard, but phasing seems a little too complicated and it takes a while to start swinging. Hexproof on the Fleetwing just seems awesome and tough to deal with.

Dreno33 on Grixis Spellshaper - with Primer

8 years ago

love the synergy, but i feel that this deck lacks threats. in my 3 solitare playtests, it seems to function quickly and smoothly, but feels 100% durdly that never really builds up to a gameplan to win... that's just my feedback from your deck.

Again, love the synergy and interaction, works really well. just maybe find a playset or so of a good finisher for you?

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