Aerial Guide

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Aerial Guide

Creature — Drake

Flying (This can't be blocked except by creatures with flying or reach.)

Whenever this attacks, another target attacking creature gains flying until end of turn

seshiro_of_the_orochi on the flood

2 months ago

I see what you're doing here. Might I suggest some changes?

74 is a weird number of cards to be at. If you were to go to 80, you could include Yorion, Sky Nomad as a companion, which would even work somewhat as a threat in here. If you're not planning on doing that, better go down to 60 cards.

On what to maybe change, I'll go into detail a bit. A problem I see is that you are following some parallel strategies that don't intertwine that well:

I do see your madness synergy in Just the Wind and Broken Concentration. But you only have two card to trigger madness, and Aeromoeba isn't exactly the best card for that matter.

Next, there is a playset of a singular energy card in Aethersquall Ancient. It's a powerhouse finisher card in a deck where you can deploy it and then immediately fire off its wipe. As itself is your only way to gain energy, it will mostly be an overcosted flyer that won't even help you win.

Aerial Guide seems just off in here. Your only creature without flying is Baral, and he's not exactly a card you want to attack with.

Finally, 33 lands is just too many. Maybe go down to 26 including the playset Sanctuary.

Especially the madness plan and the synergy plan seem to compete for your mainfocus. To actually suggest further changes, I'd need your thoughts on if want to focus on either of these or if you want to go the route of a Mystic Sanctuary control deck. All three paths seem doable, but combining them seems hard.

What're your thoughts?

Liszt on Sneack attack and declaring attackers

5 years ago

If I Ilharg, the Raze-Boar in an Aerial Guide , does the attacking effect trigger?

slusken on Beginner's deck

6 years ago

Hey there! Welcome to the great world of magic: the gathering!

A tip when building decks is to find a general theme and build around that in order to create a more focused deck. You seem to have some cards that synergize with each other, such as some ramp (add extra lands into play) and landfall in the deck.

For example: Ondu Giant works great with Baloth Woodcrasher and Aerial Guide helps the powered-up creature break through the opponents defenses by giving it evasion (in this case flying). Cards such as Aven Reedstalker does not synergize well with that landfall theme. You might want to consider Evolving Wilds in order to get two landfall triggers in one turn, or Rampant Growth -like cards for that extra ramp and landfall-trigger value.

Secondly, do you know what format you'd like to play in (are you looking at playing casual/kitchen-table magic, standard, modern etc.)? Depending on your choice, there will be different options available to you in terms of card-choice, since the card pool differs greatly between the different formats.

I apologize if this post is somewhat confusing, but I think the most important thing to consider when building decks are:

  1. What format to play
  2. What theme/mechanic/gimmick do you want to build around
  3. Is the deck fun to play for you

Austin_Smith_of_Cards on My eyes...the goggles do nothing!

7 years ago

Not quite sure what the strategy is here. Is this a tempo list?

You can do better than Kindled Fury. Wee Dragonauts is far stronger than Aerial Guide. I suggest finding a 4-drop to fill your curve, but I'm not sure what would suit your list best.

I'm liking the Lightning Shriekers. They always struck me as something with potential, and pauper is probably the best place to test. Good luck!

Ricci on

7 years ago

Hi oldmanm0nk3y, thank you for your comment. No, I'll use this deck tomorrow in the Standard Showdown. What do you think I should do? I could add some Lightning Axes or Unsummons to have even more control... Or more creatures, like Glint-Sleeve Siphoner, a fourth Earthshaker Khenra maybe, some Aerial Guides that play well with the Eternal of Harsh Truths?

Izu_Korasu on Flying High

7 years ago

yea 32 lands is overkill, control decks only run ~26 and your an aggro-midrange deck with an average cmc of 2.44 ... 23 lands should be more then sufficient (especially with no real demands for leaving mana open) but you can get away with 24 if you prefer ... (i would drop 6/5 islands and 3 plains)

that being said, it feels like you have a main goal, then alot of filler cards that seem redundant or dont really do what you need them to do.

cards like Aerial Guide, Aven Wind Guide, Mighty Leap and Cartouche of Knowledge give flying to an already mostly flying deck, and Slither Blade, Fan Bearer and Cartouche of Solidarity are okay but feel like they belong in a different deck, with a different goal.

[dauntless aven] does feel like a good fit for the deck, and you can shift the deck to make cards like Aven Wind Guide more useful with cards like Oketra's Monument to make the ability more relevant, and Glyph Keeper as a solid finisher.

id also consider running some countermagic, even if its just Supreme Will, Turn Aside or Failure and maybe consider Cast Out.

Drag0nDude on Flying High

7 years ago

Cool deck! +1 from me.

WHAT TO TAKE OUT:Aerial Guide and Mighty Leap are not very good because most of your creatures already have flying.Slither Blade doesn't really seem to fit with the rest of your deck.Cartouche of Knowledge isn't great for the same reason as Aerial Guide. I think Cartouche of Solidarity is ok, but I would not run 4, so you should probably only run 3.

WHAT TO PUT IN:Definitely go up to 4 copies of Angel of Condemnation. This card is AMAZING value at only 4 mana, acting as a good attacker and blocker, as well as a form of removal. 3 Dauntless Avens (There is no picture for this i guess) have a better effect for this deck than Aerial Guide. Add an extra copy of Angel of Sanctions, as it is just such a great card. Judging by the decklist, I am guessing that you are trying to make this deck safe from rotation. However, I would run 4 Kitesail Scout to replace the Slither Blades as a low cost flyer. This card is only like 5 cents, so the investment is worth it.

With these suggestions, if my math is correct, these changes should bring you to 36 nonland cards. I would just cut 4 Islands and 4 Plains to bring you to 24 lands.

OTHER SUGGESTIONS:If you are willing to spend some extra money and don't mind rotation, Archangel Avacyn  Flip is an awesome pickup for your deck. If you need more finishers, Glyph Keeper is a heavy hitter and is hard to get rid of.

Nice deck! I hope my comment helps :-)

LittleBlueHero on How was your prerelease?

7 years ago

Repeated from another thread I'm on.

Pre release went meh. I was 2-2 in grixis. 6 players pulled and played bolas including myself... Seriously.

Of my 4 games 3 were against black white zombies. The other deck was black red.


Black is hard not to play with its removal suite at common. Same thing for red. I didn't see anyone not playing at least one of those colors.

As predicted the format loves combat and hates blocking. So. Much. Menace.

The aggressiveness of the creatures in the set are balanced somewhat by the crazy amount of removal.


Unquenchable Thirst . By chance I never lost a game i got to play this. There is so much recursion with embalm, eternalize and zombies/the gods. "Removal" that doesn't put things in the yard is great.

khenra scrapper. There was never a time I felt bad casting this and I hated seeing it dropped on the other side of the table. With all the removal it was rare my opponents COULD block this and rarely chose to do so because it was almost always a two for one when exerted.


Aerial Guide . If I was ahead this was an OK play. If I was behind it never seemed to do enough. Most times I cast it was as an emergency blocker but it's stats weren't good enough most of the time.

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