



The first is a combo we all know about if you ever lived through Kaladesh Standard: Saheeli Guardian Saheeli Rai , Felidar Guardian

This is the main combo in the deck, with the rest of the deck being built around ramp and card search, using the cheapest (mana) ways possible (that are legal of course, curse you 8th edition set limit)

Scheming Symmetry and Wishclaw Talisman , even though they allow the opponent to also search for a card, symmetry is usually finding you mana ramp to fix colors or Fires of Invention , the ultimate mana fix. The talisman is usually used on the opponents upkeep to find you the last piece you needed, or protection for the combo pieces already assembled.

Now, you have blown the first game out of the water. You're opponent sitting across from you is going WTF JUST HAPPENED and immediately sideboards all possible silver bullets against your deck. So what do you do? you change up the combo of course!

Naru Meha, Master Wizard , Release to the Wind , and Drowned Secrets (have drowned secrets on the field, then cast release to the wind targeting anything, then flash in Naru Meha, copying the release to the wind trigger, use THE NEW TARGET off of the copy on NARU, let the copy resolve and then recast Naru for free copying return to the wind again, all while milling your opponent for two for each time you cast Naru)

Your opponent is now decked out to deal with Saheeli Rai and Felidar Guardian, but BOOM, there are no more planeswalkers in the deck and the only creature they can hit is NAru Meha, if it is instant speed removal, but you still have the search engines up and running, the opponent never had a chance.

The deck is still in playtesting, but I am planning on taking it to FNM as much as possible. For how goofy this deck is, there is real potential behind it. Obviously the second combo is for SnG but hey, I've pulled it off before and the look of horror on the opponents face is worth it.

With how it is currently built, you can usually get the combo started on turn 4 and end the game on turn 5 without any interference. Typically you will end the game on turn 6, allowing you to have protection of your permanents before the combo goes off.

Thanks for sticking around for my entire spiel, Any tips on making the deck faster and more combos that could be added main board (in place of Saheeli Guardian, so 2 card combos) or more second game combos would be appreciated.

Please upvote so I can get my deck out there in the world and whoever clicked on my dastardly deck, have a great day (or night, you night owls)


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96% Competitive

Date added 4 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 3 Mythic Rares

22 - 9 Rares

6 - 3 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.25
Tokens Copy Clone
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