The Party Pyromaniac

I don't really play Modern, but for some reason I saw the spoiled Party Thrasher...

Modern Noire_Samhain

So, Izzet in Yet?

Standard* RoninVX

SCORE: 10 | 30 COMMENTS | 1970 VIEWS

Journey? —May 30, 2014

So, still haven't played Journey. However, I am interested in getting my hands on some Temple of Epiphanys, probably just two to add in, get some smoothness and all. Gonna get 4 whilst they're cheap ASAP tho.

Magma Spray made me so happy! Wish it were a Pillar of Flame but I'll survive without being able to slam the damage in my opponent's face, as it is made an instant.

Spite of Mogis well, well, well. What do we have here? Early and late-game removal once I've emptied up my deck? I'll definitely playtest it!

Nightmarish End is so gonna be a 3x once RtR rotates!

Gotta see how it's gonna be like, still have some time to playtest and wreck some faces.

Long live Bolas!

RoninVX says... #1

harrydemon117 Indeed, the Architects proved to be REALLY good! I am pleasantly surprised! Tho will still keep one Steam Augury just in case! Thanks for the tips xD Now let's see how we do next FNM :D

May 6, 2014 7:07 p.m.

AussieBloke says... #2

Looks good mate! Only thing I can see is maybe use Magma Jet over lightning strike. I can see the benefits for either, but it will still finish an opponent after master of cruelties hits, still kills many many creatures, plus scry.

May 6, 2014 7:25 p.m.

RoninVX says... #3

I would definitely use Magma Jet, but sometimes I need that extra damage! Trying to work on a Grixis Draw-Go right now, who knows what might happen rawr :D

May 6, 2014 7:48 p.m.

Jman361 says... #4

damn love that description

May 6, 2014 8:48 p.m.

RoninVX says... #5

Why thank you :D It stood as a single "Awr" for a while until I just decided to fix it up xD

May 6, 2014 8:50 p.m.

AussieBloke says... #6

That made my day. Dam that was good! It's like, Havoc Festival , the movie.

May 6, 2014 9:09 p.m.

RoninVX says... #7

That's what I was going for :D Wanted to make the picture a Havoc Festival but decided not to xD

May 6, 2014 9:15 p.m.

GodzillaTBW says... #8

Have you considered Opportunity over Divination ? The math on it is the same, just doubled, but it's instant speed. Also, I would suggest switching the numbers on Dreadbore and Hero's Downfall , since the latter is instant speed. I would also consider dropping Rakdos's Return down to a One-of, since it really starts to be worth it when X is around three, along with the fact that it's sorcery speed. You could also throw in a Quicken or two, to help speed things up as well as keep cards in your hand. I also don't see the point of having two more Cyclonic Rift in the board, along with Anger of the Gods , so I would replace them with the two Mizzium Mortars that are mainboard at the moment. My reasoning behind the Mortars being sideboard is that they're best used against two cards (In my opinion), which are Blood Baron of Vizkopa and Kalonian Hydra , which I don't see often enough to warrant mainboard Mortars. These changes would free up a total of three slots, which you could use for Quicken, or maybe more Desecration Demon 's, or maybe some more creature/non-land permanent removal. Feel free to respond, and/or completely disregard what I've said, since I don't know what kind of environment you're playing in.

May 11, 2014 2:19 p.m.

RoninVX says... #9

Owing to the fact that I play a tap-out control, I kinda prefer having sorcery speed stuff. I really don't care and people who know me know how good I can bluff. Sometimes I can keep them from fighting for third-turn advantage (which is fairly important you'll agree) just by being on a black and red land, just to follow with blue and get some advantage with the Divination. I won't change to Opportunity as, along with other Grix players, we've noticed that it's like a weak attempt to do what Sphinx Rev does, just not so efficiently. Prefer having more answers early in the game. Even if I decided that the instant speed is good enough (Not saying instant speed is weak, on the contrary even) I would prefer Inspiration for the lower cost, despite it being a basically replace and draw, same as Divination.

For the Dreadbore/Hero's downfall, I am kinda afraid of the double black in the cost. I have ways to get to it, but I really prefer being able to Bore a target on turn 2 and keep the upper hand, card for card. Whereas on third turn this could get dangerous and I can never be certain.

Rakdos' Return is a brilliant spell, sometimes I use both of them in one game if my other win-cons fail, discard and damage, what else would I want. It mostly shines against aggro decks where I can just make them discard 2 cards on turn 4 and they'll be pretty much stalled from there as I can easily negate the damage dealt so far.

Anger of the gods wasn't as useful as I expected. Not saying it's a bad card, but once again we have the double cost (like Hero's D, just with Red) and many times it isn't that good at least in my meta. Cyclonic rift is a brilliant sweeper and can net me some breathing space. Sometimes I get to use it early game and then the next one rolls in to overload so that my Master can punish them.

Afraid to say, I reckon we have a different viewpoint on the deck idea. Thanks for the comment though, did make me think :)

May 11, 2014 10:09 p.m.

GodzillaTBW says... #10

I actually tested this a bit today (with some of my own edits, like Opportunity over Divination, and minus the 'Bores and Burn spells, with more Demons and a one-of Slaughter Games , AEtherling , Bile Blight , Rift, and some other additions like Silence the Believers and mainboard Duress ), and I can say that a big issue (for me, that is) are really heavy aggro decks, since there's little to no lifegain, and so I find myself mainboarding Pharika's Cure , or even putting in things like Young Pyromancer , what with all the instants/sorceries, to help combat aggro matchups. I actually found a surprisingly powerful use out of AEtherize , since it's pretty much a poor-man's (Non-White Player's) Supreme Verdict . The best part is, you can side it out game 2, and they'll be so afraid to attack on your fourth land that they rarely even try it.

May 11, 2014 10:40 p.m.

RoninVX says... #11

Slaughter Games is amazing, I'd defo play 2 of in the SB, but not in the MB, got better stuff at turn 4. I need the burns as I play around Master of Cruelties a lot. Lifegain is an issue for every Grixis player. I've actually played around with Young Pyromancer, but all he does is stall. Something I can do better with my kill spells which permanently fix that problem. I don't have my hands on any Silence The Believers, but it's mana cost is a bit too much for me so probably will refrain from it. Aetherize I've playtested as well in the MB, it can actually work pretty good but I'm afraid I can't empty a slot for it. AS for Aetherling, I despise that card and it being featured in every deck. Just my opinion, that's why I will never use it in any control deck :D

May 12, 2014 9:34 a.m.

GodzillaTBW says... #12

Slaughter Games MB is actually a one-of MB, as a guarantee against control decks that my meta keeps trying to rehash (Bant, Esper, America) so I can just Get rid of D-Sphere/Ban. Light at a whim, but against any other deck, I'd rather play the Demon turn 4, so I get what you're saying. On Silence The Believers... It's Instant-speed creature exile, with the possibility of hitting more than one dude. The only card that could possibly hold a candle to that is the new Deicide , and even then it has to be an enchantment, and for the second part of the card to take effect, it has to be a God card. I suggest at least playtesting with it, because even as a one-of it can really wreck some of the B/G dredge/whip decks that like to sport Kalonian and Sylvan Primordial. I'm still doing some tweaking with my deck, so I'll probably put it up here to get some tips on it. I have actually considered putting in a Ral Zarek or two, and since I don't have any of my own, I'll eventually throw him in and give him a shot. And I get your thing against Aetherling, I have a personal vendetta against Sphinx's Revelation.

May 12, 2014 11:56 a.m.

That description though... +1 automatically.

Your board looks pretty solid. WOuld you do me a favor and take a look at my Grixis Control Build (, which doesn't have the sweet description?

May 26, 2014 5:28 p.m.

RoninVX says... #14

Hah, the board normally is mine indeed xD Tho it depends on what I play against, sometimes I just stand there and hope to survive until I wipe :D

Thanks :D

May 27, 2014 1:38 p.m.