Purphoros, Forger of Goblins [[Primer]]

Commander / EDH freakingShane

SCORE: 235 | 208 COMMENTS | 55034 VIEWS | IN 155 FOLDERS

Debo says... #1

Hope your deck isn't retired! I like it a lot. Throwing some card ideas at you. I would like to pick your brain on why you wouldn't include these... mana cost, theme?

ETB bounce Norin the Wary

Enchantment Warstorm Surge

Land ideas Dwarven Ruins Sandstone Needle Kher Keep

Sorcery Kuldotha Rebirth Tempt with Vengeance

June 12, 2018 8:46 p.m.

hoyanader says... #2

Please any new update ??

August 30, 2018 9:47 p.m.

freakingShane says... #3

Thanks for your patience, all.

@Maizena - I thought a lot about Goblin Chainwhirler, but decided against it for now. Three mana is the part where it really needs an impact, and 1 to everything is good, but I have at least momentarily decided it isn't enough. I know he will be one that I revisit many times though (just like that stinkin' Grenzo, Havoc Raiser!). And Squee, the Immortal would be good if I could run Food Chain, but unfortunately mono-R doesn't have that...

@Bighimmy - I ran Extraplanar Lens in an earlier version of this deck, and 9 out of 10 times it would get Vandalblasted the turn I played it, setting me back significantly. Turn 3 Lens, exile one of my Mountains. In response it gets destroyed, making my turn 4 have only two mana (via remaining Mountains).

@AjTheCreator - Wheel of Fortune is arguably one of the most powerful draw effects in Magic. It lets you go through your deck faster than 99% of other draw cards/effects for a reasonable price, mana-wise. For this deck, it is used to refill our hands and dig out those combo pieces.

@hoyanader - I haven't got around to making any changes online, as my life has taken precedence and Magic (especially running my Tapped Out account) has been sorta put on hiatus...I am not done with Magic, however, nor am I done with this deck.

I have cut out a Mountain in favor of adding Splinter Twin. Twin lets us essentially have another copy of Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker at our disposal, for one less mana. The only draw back being that Twin isn't tutorable with my goblin-tutors. That's the main change as for now, but I am keeping up with this deck and will eventually get around to adding/updating the cards online here.

Again everyone, thanks for your interest in my deck. I will continue to think and improve the deck as more cards come out. I am really looking forward to RTRTR (Guilds of Ravnica, haha) but I feel it will provide more for my Mizzix deck than this one...nonetheless, I will be adding anything I find efficient or powerful!

September 8, 2018 9:02 p.m.

Maizena says... #4

freakingShane did u check the goblin from C18?

Treasure Nabber

September 8, 2018 9:54 p.m.

freakingShane says... #5

Honestly, Maizena, I completely overlooked that card. With all the mana rocks used in my meta, this could help me play out my hand/combo incredibly fast...or at the very least slow my opponents down. I’m definitely adding this. Thanks for that!

September 8, 2018 10:15 p.m.

freakingShane says... #6

Hey, Debo! Totally missed your comment when finally getting around to responding to everyone!

Norin the Wary can be a solid card, but on its own (without an ETB trigger to abuse) he doesn't do anything for the deck. Mana cost is great, (wouldn't hurt if he was a goblin, haha) but without Impact Tremors or Purph out, he's just a blinking weenie.

Warstorm Surge could be good, but you are right on the money with this being a CMC conflict. Plus, I don't know if my scrawny goblins would do enough. I guess it still would, just because the incremental value is always good. Long live burn!

As for lands, I have intentionally stuck with lands that don't come in tapped. I am gonna look into maybe running fetchlands (I'm sorry wallet) and maybe some land shenanigans like Lotus Vale or City of Traitors (again...sorry wallet).

Lastly, if we were running more artifacts, Kuldotha Rebirth would be a great include. If I change the build to run a chunk of artifact ramp, this would definitely be a consideration again. As for Tempt with Vengeance...it's such a great card, but I refuse to run it solely because its off-tribe...if you were any sane person, it's an auto-include, haha.

September 8, 2018 10:59 p.m.

Spoosky says... #7

Hello! why dont Mana Crypt ??

December 16, 2018 10:23 p.m.

freakingShane says... #8

Unfortunately I haven't updated this list in a very long time, Spoosky. Originally I tested the fast mana rocks and decided against it because it took away from the actual gas of the deck (creatures and combo).

I've thought about reworking the deck completely though. If I do, I'm sure it will end up being less tribal and overall more efficient (more mana rocks, maybe Magus of the Moon and less likely Magus of the Wheel, etc).

My life is definitely busy, so I just haven't had the time, energy, or desire to mess with anything on here other than some Pauper decks, but when I do I'll make sure to holler at you! Thanks for the comment, Spoosky!

December 17, 2018 3:58 p.m.

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