Remember kids! Don't hate the flayer, hate the game!
A semi-gimmicky deck based around Soulflayer, should still do really well as a regular Sultai Deck. Spend turn 2 filling up your graveyard, and you might even get Soulflayer out on turn 3 with all the benefits of Chromanticore and more!
Ideal situation:
T2: Taigam's Scheming to throw out Chromanticore, Sagu Mauler, and Pharika, God of Affliction. Even if you return the other 2 cards to the top of your deck, you have 4 cards in your graveyard.
T3: Pay for a 4/4 Flying, First strike, vigilance, trample, lifelink, indestructible, hexproof Soulflayer.
-This deck has been brought to you by House Bolton
Soulflayer: A 4/4 for is great. Stealing attributes is just insane. While giving him an arsenal of abilities is great, he makes a decent creature in emergency situations.
Chromanticore: Is the best activator for this deck, you want to discard him as quickly as possible, and avoid drawing him whenever possible. If he winds up in your hand, use Sultai Charm to discard him. In emergency situations, you can whip him back form the graveyard for a turn.
Hornet Queen: Too good not to include, although 7 CMC isn't easy for this deck to hit. It's always best to whip her back to the field and get some bees, so try not to delve this particular card.
Pharika, God of Affliction: 3 mana Gods are always fun, there is a decent amount of devotion in this deck as well, but don't be afraid to throw her straight in the graveyard. Her snakes make instant chump blockers with death touch.
Sidisi, Brood Tyrant: Throws stuff in the graveyard, and makes zombies. It is important to remember that she only makes one for each instance of creatures going into the graveyard, and not for EVERY creature. Whip her back if you need to refill your graveyard.
Sagu Mauler: I probably give this guy a lot more credit than he deserves, but at the very least he enables hexproof. During the early game, don't be afraid to toss him in the graveyard, and you can even whip him back in the mid game. Lategame, he is a huge creature with hexproof.
Satyr Wayfinder: Is in here over Commune with the Gods because he can enable Sidisi, Brood Tyrant and Pharika, God of Affliction
Whip of Erebos: Has so many different uses in this deck.
Taigam's Scheming Is absolutely the best play on turn 2, without question. It is perfectly fine to throw out all 5 cards.
Murderous Cut Is cheap removal. You should always have more than enough cards in your graveyard, but you should delve as many non-creature spells as possible with this. Save the creatures for Soulflayer, Whip of Erebos, and Pharika, God of Affliction.
Sultai Charm Has a lot of utility in this deck. Murderous cut will usually destroy important creatures, so you should mostly use this for enchantments and discarding [[chromanticore.