
Artifact (1)

Creature (2)

A creature heavy deck built around one key card, Strength of the Fallen . It also many elements of drawing and dumping so you can speed through the deck to establish Strength of the Fallen and easily boost anything to a +5/+5 for a turn or more. Generally most of the deck is enchantments so you'll have no problem triggering Strength of the Fallen and Eidolon of Blossoms, especially since there are 28 enchantments. That's about 50% of the deck.

Strength of the Fallen - The cornerstone of this deck; creatures get +X/+X based on the # of creatures in my graveyard every time an enchantment or Strength of the Fallen hit the field. Since there are 28 enchantments in the deck, it'll trigger quite often.

Satyr Wayfinder - it's primary purpose is to dump creatures and find land.

Boon Satyr - Added to the mix, he counts as an enchantment. Can be flashed/bestowed in on something that seems innocuous or unblocked for a brutal +4/+2 on TOP of +X/+X in whatever is in the graveyard.

Commune with the Gods - A flexible option for searching out enchantments or creature cards which this deck is full of...and dumping more creatures in the graveyard.

Courser of Kruphix - Another enchantment which counts for the main combo. Speed up the deck and has a nice body to block to boot.

Leafcrown Dryad - A low cost body to target Strength of the Fallen with and another enchantment to boot.

Dragon Mantle - Triggers Strength of the Fallen and Eidolon of Blossoms, but generally used as a drawing mechanism to get to the main combo. Oh and it has combat tricks.

Tormenting Voice - There were many instances when I didn't draw into Strength of the Fallen quick enough during play testing or I just simply did not have any creatures loaded in the graveyard. This spell is the perfect solution for a deck that needs draw power and an even bigger need to dump creatures. This takes place of Kruphix's Insight

Eidolon of Blossoms - Not the biggest body in town, but with 28 enchantments you'll surely draw multiple times!

Nyxborn Rollicker - Simply a 1 drop and very cheap bestow creature that can also stack it's enchantment status with Strength of the Fallen and Eidolon of Blossoms.

Nylea, God of the Hunt - Another enchantment creature and gives the much needed Trample to the deck. What good is a +7/+7 for a turn if it'll just get chump blocked?

Elvish Mystic - Just a mana dork and pit entail surprise target for Strength.

Please up vote and let me know what you think or change!


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I originally though Nemesis of Mortals would be useful but then when I realized just how easily it would be dumped by Commune with the Gods, Satyr Wayfinder. I decided to drop Epiphany Storm by 1 and add 2 Leafcrown Dryad.

Also moved some stuff around. Dropped courser to 1 as its 3 cmc was a little wonky with the flow of this. Leafcrown was just far more usable and disposable guilt free.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

14 - 0 Rares

28 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.03
Folders Standard Decks
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