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Dimir beat down with a splash of red

Standard* UB (Dimir) UBR (Grixis)



Sorcery (2)

Artifact (4)

Creature (4)


Instant (2)

Creature (1)

This is a beat down deck. The main creatures it uses are Nightveil Specter and Desecration Demon. Both of these cards are fairly low cost and have very nifty abilities. I chose the Nightveil Specter because of its ability. Beyond being fairly cheap with a good body, the second ability thins opponents decks and give me more options to play. I can steal lands, creatures, counters etc. I paired this with Chromatic Lantern so I could be sure to use what ever I steal.

Desecration Demon is a very fast creature with a large body. The downside is that he can be forced to be tapped. I don't really have a problem with this since it thins out my opponents force and makes him grow. This also allows my Nightveil Specters to keep on hitting.

I choose Hidden Strings and Ral Zarek to help untap the Desecration Demon as necessary and to get extra mana available.

I decided to give the deck some light milling with Thought Scour and Breaking / Entering to remove some threats and to pair up with Deathrite Shaman which is an incredible 1 CMC drop. This will give me some extra damage, allow me to generate some graveyard hate as well.

I think my weakest cards are Soul Ransom and Psychic Strike. I went with Soul Ransom because I wanted some more card advantage and to help clear the way for my beaters. Psychic Strike was chosen for more mill and also a solid counter.

The one card I would like to include a set of is Fling but I am not exactly sure where to do it. Searing Spear is the most obvious choice but I feel like I still want some burn to help me out.

Anyway, your comments are appreciated!


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I decided to add 2xFling and dropped 2xHidden Strings. I feel that fling has awesome synergy with Soul Ransom and Desecration Demon and can do that extra little bit of dmg I need to close out a game.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

29 - 8 Rares

10 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.72
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