
Tested 5 games before Friday night draft.

I've Tested the deck now and it put up a good fight with a modern deck but lost 0/2 :(. With standard. It luckily out race a control deck. And dominated a another brewing deck. I'm going test it on a standard showdown this weekend and see if this deck is worth keeping or not.

This deck has different ways to approach the game. The first way is to simply add cartouche of solidarity on Bloodrage Brawler. When you need to discard a card, discard a ebalm or external card. If you can caste BR Brawler with a cartouche on turn 3, you can cause some trouble for the opponent.

Second way is to put as much creatures on the field to allow Oketra to attack. Blood range brawler will come in later on in the game to block and protect. This will also make room for Charging Monstro... with it 5/5 with trample and haste. With every creature on the field, an cartouche of solidarity will get the job done.

Third way is to use Hazoret favor on your ebalm/ external creatures to put pressure on enemy creatures. Sun scourge Champion can march in with 6 power from the grave. Scared Cat can give you 3/1 with life link, And pouncer can slash in with 6/4 with double strike.

Finally Combust Gearhulk is there to finish off the job. Even if there is a abrade, you can still give your opponent damage or draw three cards. A 6/6 with first strike can even block down a carnage tyrant! That not a bad card for just $3

Upgrades: 2 Hazoret the Fervent, 2 Glorybringer.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 1 Mythic Rares

15 - 6 Rares

7 - 6 Uncommons

16 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.42
Tokens Adorned Pouncer 4/4 B, Emblem Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Ragavan, Sacred Cat 1/1 W, Sunscourge Champion 4/4 B, Warrior 1/1 W w/ Vigilance
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