Was a Triskaidekaphobia deck. The deck did okay, won quite often but I didn't have enough fun. I want to keep on pumping annoying spells that keep clearing the board of unwanted pests.
More of a description to come...
...and here it is.
Since I started playing magic I was always one of them guys who liked to play big green stompy carnivores. I then went on to control with lots of removal and counter spells. That then started to become very limited and almost unplayable. I find I have a love for planeswalkers. However, although there is a lot of playable planeswalkers in standard right now and a highly desirable card with great synergy with planeswalkers I cannot seem to build a deck which will achieve and fulfill my desire to play planewalkers.
The time has now come to admit I have a soft spot for playing removal spells. If I cannot have something I want, I will stop other players from having something they want.
Goblin Dark-Dwellers has so much potential in standard right now. There are so many instants and sorceries which cost 3CMC or less. My personal favourite spell to recast with GDD is Collective Defiance. You don't have to pay the mana cost when you recur it, however, you can pay to escalate as an added extra.
I love having many resources so
Shreds of Sanity
helps me make use of cards already in the graveyard. I should have enough mana later on in the game to make use of the spells recalled by shreds. I'm only running as a 2 of. GDD can also recur shreds. Happy days.
Grasp of Darkness,
Ultimate Price
, Collective Defiance and Galvanic Bombardment are all self explanatory really. One word....REMOVAL.
Ruinous Path...stops what I love...Big stompy guys and planeswalkers. It even gives me a stompy guy if I'm feeling frisky. Planeswalkers play a big part in standard right now. So many to choose from with so many benefits to the user. Got to get rid of them.
Kolaghan's Command
does it's job effectively. I can Disentomb,
, Makes anyone discard a card, and destroys an artifact. Maybe the first 3 abilities will be chosen ahead of destroying an artifact.
Languish and Nahiri's Wrath are there to wipe the board, duh.
I do not need to explain Read the Bones.
Chandra, Flamecaller - was debating whether to run 2 or 3. I went with 2 so I could run an Ob Nixilis Reignited. At the time it seemed an Ob-vious choice. Bad joke, I'll see myself out. I'm testing to see if 2 and 1 is more beneficial than 3 and 0.
Not sure about my side board, I might need a little advice there.