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gorgon_locke's Binder

For faster responses, text me as I don't check this site terribly often: 617-543-1528

Let's see... special stuff:

I've got 4x Dryad Militant full-art promos

My foil Tarmogoyf is from Modern Masters

2 of my Jace, the Mind Sculptor foils are FTV20

The other foil Jace, the Mind Sculptor is signed by Conley Woods and is from WorldWake

1 of my Deathrite Shamans is Korean

1 of my Deathrite Shamans is Japanese and signed (S. Argyle)

12 of my English Deathrite Shamans are signed (S. Argyle)

4 of my Deathrite Shaman English Foils are signed (S. Argyle)

4 of my Lilianas of the Veil are signed (S. Argyle)n three in purple (matching her outfit) and the other silver

All 4 Mishra's Factories are BB, one is English, one Spanish, one Italian, one Japanese

My Goblin Welders are signed (Fischer)

I have a pair of every card from Gatecrash (minus the mythics). The money cards should be listed in my binder, but just to be thorough, ask if you want absolutely any card from Gatecrash.

One of my Gravecrawlers is Japanese

My foil dismember is a promo

I've got a ton of Zendikar Plains and Forests