Xenagos, God of Revels: Why Anarchy is THE Answer

Commander / EDH MagicalHacker


griffstick says... #1

Akroma's Memorial would go great in here especially if you use Primal Surge I'd take out Joraga Treespeaker

April 22, 2016 8:38 a.m.

Podma101 says... #2

I think Hall of the Bandit Lord would make a mean addition with these creatures. Swap it out for a basic forest.

April 22, 2016 9:34 a.m.

DeathChant17 says... #3

Moar haste enablers! Fervor and Hammer of Purphoros work with Primal Surge. And if you dump your whole library onto the field, you want to swing and win right? Yea you have Platinum Angel but all it takes is someone to exile or destroy it and when you go to draw a card, you lose.

To make room I'd remove Elemental Bond, it's awesome for your deck but at the same time it triggers draws. If someone were to destroy Platinum Angel with those triggers on stack, you lose too. Then I'd remove Uktabi Kong as I don't see how destroying all your artifacts is cool (that includes Platinum Angel), if you need 10 cards from unhinged or unglued, I'd remove Gruul Ragebeast instead until you find another card from one of those sets to replace it. Sorry, I'm not familiar with them at all.

Otherwise this deck looks insanely fun to play. +1 from me for that and something so original.

April 22, 2016 9:04 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #4

griffstick, it's funny cause I used to have Akroma's Memorial in here, but I changed it to Warstorm Surge so that I can just win when I cast Incoming! before going to combat.

Podma101, unfortunately, I don't think the land will help out that much since most of the time I'll be cheating the big creatures into play rather than casting them.

DeathChant17, actually, when I resolve Primal Surge or Incoming!, I will also be getting Omen Machine and Archetype of Endurance. I'm not sure if it matters though, because I have Warstorm Surge to win without going to combat :) As for Uktabi Kong and Bane of Progress, I figured I need a way to destroy infinite combos my opponents get when I resolve Incoming!, but we will see if it's any good... I actually used to have Mycosynth Lattice and Darksteel Forge to win with them, but I felt bad doing that.

Thank you for the comments everyone!

April 23, 2016 6:23 a.m.

DeathChant17 says... #5

Wow, its literally the first card on the list in my view and I missed the archetype...

And as long as you stack all your triggers right, Uktabi Kong works too well and is a little mean. Though I thought Primal Surge was the only non-permanent card you were running. Incoming! is a sorcery.

I still stand by needing more haste enablers. As a 'one of' Primal Surge isn't a sure thing, though you've certainly increased those odds, alot. Also, what if Warstorm Surge is like the 2nd card from the bottom? It'll trigger once. Provided that the card underneath it is a creature. And that's only if you dont get it with all your tipped odds.

If you are casting out those fatties with all that artifact ramp, I'd wanna swing em right away. If anything, I'd still remove the Gruul Ragebeast for a haste ennabler, or replace it with Purphoros, God of the Forge for more burning of the face.

Otherwise this is really effing solid from what i can see. I see no holes. Any you have noticed in playing it?

April 23, 2016 10:54 a.m.

MagicalHacker says... #6

Oh, when I go into "Party Mode", Primal Surge is taken out for Incoming!, so its basically the same idea, but more silly.

Also, with Primal Surge and any other card that puts multiple cards into a zone as part of its resolution, all the cards technically enter the same time and see each other do so. Their triggers don't get put on the stack until the spell/ability has finished resolving, so it doesn't matter where Warstorm Surge is in the deck. :D

I thought about it, and yeah Gruul Ragebeast can backfire pretty badly if I try to cast a small creature... But I think the first haste enabler I would use would be Xenagos, God of Revels, which actually seems like a better commander than Radha, Heir to Keld since he is indestructible and he combos so well with Blightsteel Colossus.

So here are my thoughts:

Out with Radha, Heir to Keld and Gruul Ragebeast.

In with Xenagos, God of Revels and Batterskull. (Since Godo, Bandit Warlord lets Xenagos trigger twice, what you can do is tutor Batterskull with Godo, target Godo with Xenagos, attack with Godo, target Batterskull with Xenagos, and attack with both. This is a total of 20 damage plus 8 lifegain.)

What do you guys think?

April 23, 2016 2:16 p.m.

Podma101 says... #7

Doh! I don't know how I forgot about Xenagos, God of Revels for a deck that has party in the name (well I do, exam crunch time xP). I believe that both swaps would be very, very potent in the deck, and would improve the quality overall. I've lost many games to Xenagod thanks to synergy with big creatures like Atarka, World Render and other giant creatures, and Batterskull doesn't need much of a reason to include it in any face-smashy deck! I say go for it!

April 23, 2016 2:51 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #8

Okay sweet! I also realized I want to put a Sensei's Divining Top in here, so I think I will be fine without Darksteel Plate.

April 23, 2016 3:04 p.m.

DeathChant17 says... #9

...Damn Daniel...

April 23, 2016 7:42 p.m.

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