Darien, King of Kjeldor Token/Lifegain EDH

Commander / EDH hyped1221

SCORE: 161 | 89 COMMENTS | 20474 VIEWS | IN 57 FOLDERS

June 6, 2024

Quick Update - My playgroup has taken a break from organized play for quite a while now. I have maybe played this deck a few times over the last year. Updates and testing of new cards has not been happening. With that said we are starting up regular weekly game nights starting this month! In the meantime if anyone has found some fun new cards that have come out in the last year or so and you think it might be a good fit for Darien I am all ears. Appreciate you stopping by and taking the time to read this!

Also, almost 160 upvotes and over 20k views. Holy moly! I remember first posting this decklist being super nervous that it would get ripped apart as I was a new player at the time. The community was (and still is) so nice and offered lots of great advice. All of which have helped shape the deck into what it is today. Thank you so much everyone! I look forward to continue to discuss, play test, and upgrade this deck for many years to come.

Aceh says... #1

I love your decklist!, what do you think about Proclamation of Rebirth?

March 29, 2020 4:52 a.m.

hyped1221 says... #2

Aceh - Thanks for the kind words! It's certainly an interesting card. While all five of my one cmc creatures are quite handy and some run more crucial roles, it's rare I have more than two in the graveyard. There's just not enough creatures at that cmc to justify slotting it in. That and I do have a few other ways of getting them out anyway. And that isn't something I need to be redundant. So really neat card, just not for this deck.

With that said though I did pull a foil out of the mystery boosters and it is so nice looking. I really wish I could fit it in just for that reason lol!

March 29, 2020 7:52 p.m.

Kalo_Wen says... #3

Hi! Looks like a very fun build! Can’t wait to read the primer when it comes out. Do you have any guidance for someone who wants to start with a budget build?

April 6, 2020 5:54 p.m.

hyped1221 says... #4

Kalo_Wen - Hey! Darien is always fun to play. I've been very busy the past few months, but I hope to have the primer done my the end of the month.

As far as guidance with a budget build, you're in luck since Darien is very flexible and easy to build quite cheaply. The Commander's Quarters has a very good budget build for him that's roughly $68 as I write this (easy to find it on Youtube). I took your comment as a challenge to quickly put together a deck around $100. It's close, and if you buy less than mint cards you could probably get it under. It's a little different than the Commander's Quarters version (it has more of a soldier/creature theme and less pain cards). You can find my budget deck here.

Hopefully these decks are budget enough for you. Everyone is different so you never know what is budget from one person to another. But I'd say anything under $100 for a playable deck is pretty good these days. If you want/need any more help with card choices hit me up. I'd be happy to help!

April 6, 2020 10:57 p.m.

AegiSlayer says... #5

If you like the old school beat down method, I feel as though Throne of the God-Pharaoh would be a great fit, depending on your token generation, since it rewards you for doing what you want. Also, it hits all of your opponents.

April 16, 2020 7:34 a.m.

hyped1221 says... #6

AegiSlayer - Hey there! You know I've debated on trying that card in this deck for a long time. It's a workhorse in my wife's Krenko deck. This deck, while pretty resilient, isn't always making a ton of tokens. It can take quite a while to amass a large boardstate from time to time. This might be a little slow in that regard, but I will definitely give it a go once our playgroup starts up again. I agree it could do some work. I'll add it to my sideboard so I remember to trial it out. Thanks!

April 16, 2020 12:48 p.m.

AegiSlayer says... #7

Please give an update once you do play test! Also, I’m considering hosting a discord match. Just did one yesterday with my friend and it went pretty well, maybe you and your play group could use that option during all of this.

April 17, 2020 5:45 a.m.

king-saproling says... #8

You might like these: Daxos, Blessed by the Sun, Resplendent Mentor, Palace Jailer (flavor! plus being monarch incites opps to hit you. and it is a decent way draw cards for white), Throne of the High City, Coat of Arms, Aetherworks Marvel, Crovax, Ascendant Hero, Worn Powerstone (gets darien out T4), Coalition Relic, Goblin Lyre, Torture Chamber, Crashing Drawbridge

May 27, 2020 10:03 a.m.

hyped1221 says... #9

king-saproling - Hey thanks for the ideas. Goblin Lyre and Torture Chamber are both cards I have not seen before. I just ordered them to try them out for fun! They might not make the main board, but very cool cards regardless that I can't wait to play! Thank you!

May 27, 2020 1:58 p.m.

Kalo_Wen says... #10

Hello! Wanted to share the deck I've been playing since you inspired me to take the plunge - https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/02-09-20-i-hurt-myself-today/?cb=1599610997.

How's Mana Vault been treating you? I'm on the fence.

I haven't seen any mention of Palace Sentinels or Palace Jailer here, have you ever tried them? They are both soldiers and have been drawing me a ton of cards. Also creates the fun scenario where if someone wants monarch they have to give you soldier tokens :)

This has absolutely been my favorite deck, so thanks again for the inspiration!

September 8, 2020 8:40 p.m.

LucarioKing says... #11

This looks amazing! You should add Path of Bravery , youll gain ridiculous amounts of health with all those 1/1 soldiers attacking!

November 15, 2020 12:14 a.m.

mabaraujo says... #12

That seems like a very fun and cool deck to pilot, my friend. Let me ask you, have you given any thought to the card Mirror Entity ? It is a blast in my Edgar EDH

May 19, 2021 8:24 a.m.

hyped1221 says... #13

mabaraujo -Thanks for the kind words. When I first built the deck a few years ago it was in there. Without a doubt it is really good in the deck. I actually thought I still had it in my maybe board as everything I have listed there is sleeved and ready to swap out whenever I feel like a change. I just looked and indeed it is in there sleeved and ready to go! I will add it back to that list on here, but to be honest I haven't run it in the deck in a year and a half or so. That is what I like about Darian though. So many ways to take/build him it's unreal. The flexibility he brings is what continues to make it my favorite deck.

I will look at slotting it back in soon for old times' sake!

May 20, 2021 3:38 p.m.

unwucht says... #14

Nice to see another Darien deck. My son designed one a few months ago, have a look: Darien, King of Lifeloss

June 22, 2021 6:30 a.m.

Leny1777 says... #15

Man I been wanting to make soldier token theme deck and I have but this one is going to give me props and help me finalize mine...... Thanks!

August 13, 2021 2:50 a.m.

IHATENAMES says... #16

I have a darien deck modified from the commander quarter video. Sigil of the New Dawn Heraldic Banner perhaps Enduring Renewal might be worth looking at.

January 30, 2022 11:24 a.m.

Soulus101 says... #17

Hello fellow masochist :) I think my favourite cards in a Darien deck are Dingus Staff and Jade Monolith. There aren't many decks out there there that can run these two cards quite as effectively (also, if you prefer your combos on the jankier side, then Dingus Staff can go infinite with a Blasting Station/Ashnod's Altar and a life dork with Darien in play). Jade Monolith is a hilarious way to break combat steps, even when your opponents attack each other.

March 11, 2022 8:53 a.m.

hyped1221 says... #20

IHATENAMES - Thanks for visiting and the suggestions. Heraldic Banner is in my maybeboard. It is a great card and I have ran it in here before. Personally I feel like it doesn't need a full time slot at the moment. Sigil of the New Dawn isn't too bad. I usually do not mind if something goes in the graveyard though, and I don't really want to pay two mana to put it back in my hand. Now if it said permanent... Enduring Renewal is a hard pass lol! While I understand cards that force you to play with your hand revealed have their place in the game, I personally hate them and completely avoid using them in any of my decks.

Soulus101 - Thanks for all of the suggestions! Blasting Station, Ashnod's Altar, and Jade Monolith are all in my maybeboard. I have not slotted any of them back in the deck for quite some time, but may in the future. I agree on all points that they are great in this deck! Dingus Staff is a card I have sleeved (along with all of my maybeboard) ready to go in. I honestly have never slotted it or played with it yet. Thus it is not on the list. It really is a fantastic card in the deck. I think my hesitancy lies in the fact that I watched a fellow Darien player die to it from a well timed boardwipe. Very funny, but it made me realize it is dangerous when you can get up there in token count and take fatal damage before any triggers go off. Having a sac outlet would make it safer but I am not currently running any. Thanks for recommending it again!

Leny1777 - Thank you as well for stopping by. As far as competitive I would say this deck really isn't anywhere near that. I only run one infinite combo in the deck (Heliod, Sun-Crowned + Walking Ballista) and will only ever tutor for it if the game is taking forever and want a chance to try to end it.

In my opinion Mana Vault and Mana Crypt are staples for a Darien deck if you have the budget. Their power level from a mana cost standpoint are incredible, and being able to ping ourselves with both is over the top value. I appreciate the kind words about the deck though. Thank you!

March 18, 2022 12:17 p.m.