Master of the Wild Hunt

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Master of the Wild Hunt

Creature — Human Shaman

At the beginning of your upkeep, create a 2/2 green Wolf creature token.

: Tap all untapped Wolf creatures you control. Each Wolf tapped this way deals damage equal to its power to target creature. That creature deals damage equal to its power divided as its controller chooses among any number of those Wolves.

TheVectornaut on Wolf Pack

3 months ago

I have a mono green wolf deck that I might be able to offer some suggestions from. My deck is mostly built around using Silverfur Partisan with multitarget spells like Strength of the Tajuru or Setessan Tactics to get a huge army which can then be leveraged for further value with the likes of Shamanic Revelation and Cryptolith Rite. Since you already have Band Together and some other combat tricks, Partisan could be a pretty good fit here without needing many changes. One mechanic I also like in wolves is kinship on Wolf-Skull Shaman. Not only are a lot of wolf-adjacent cards elves (Wren's Run Packmaster, both Tolsimirs, 5 of your own creatures), but many shamans can also benefit wolf token spam (Essence Warden, Master of the Wild Hunt, Nullmage Shepherd, Ulvenwald Tracker, Wild Beastmaster, etc.) If I was going to cut anything, I'd probably start with the non-Garruk black cards followed by some of the somewhat unneeded ramp and Hydra's Growth which you don't even have a trample target for. You could even consider rotating into Naya to play Voja, Jaws of the Conclavefoil as a bomb.

legendofa on Will Someone Please Explain this …

9 months ago

I think it's obscure, but pretty shallow. Shelkin Brownie removes the "bands with other" ability, and this post makes that a parallel with a hypothetical "partner with other" ability.

Obligatory yet interesting trivia: The "bands with other" is the benchmark for incomprehensible and pointless mechanics. No tournament-legal card natively has it; it only appears on tokens from Master of the Wild Hunt and the land cycle that FormOverFunction mentions. Old Fogey is an Un-card that has it, too. Despite the limited and restrictive usage, it received two dedicated hosers in Shelkin Brownie and Tolaria. So that covers the "pointless" part. The "incomprehensible" part comes from the rules text description. Banding by itself is a combat ability that changes based on whether you're attacking or defending. The basic summary is that you can group creatures together and decide how combat damage gets assigned, but evasion abilities become less relevant. "Bands with other" modifies how the band creation process works.

NV_1980 on Woof Woofs (v1)

2 years ago

Maybe Master of the Wild Hunt would be a nice addition. Fits the theme and can be a great option to use for creature-removal.

PickleNutz on Werewolf Commander Deck

2 years ago

Master of the Wild Hunt, Somberwald Beastmaster, and Decimate may be fun to try out. Somberwald giving tokens deathtouch makes it way easier to sneak in damage. MotWH adds some recurring removal.

Zypharia on Rex Luporum

2 years ago

Ravenrose I'm glad you liked the name! As for your suggestions, I'll definitely consider Grow from the Ashes, Wild Pair, and Master of the Wild Hunt. They seem like they'd go really well in the deck and fit what I'm trying to do. The others cards are cool too, but they don't really mesh with the vision I have for this, but I appreciate the comment nonetheless.

Ravenrose on Rex Luporum

2 years ago

I am sometimes a rather simple person; when I see "King of the Wolves" in Latin as a deck name, I click! If you want some more ramp, I would suggest Grow from the Ashes; it's one of my favourites. Have you also considered Wild Pair as an edition? It would give your wolves and werewolves a more pack-like feel. Wolfcaller's Howl could also be fun in this deck. This is just my thematic brain talking, but Wolfrider's Saddle could also be fun. Wolfbriar Elemental could also give you more doggos to work with. Is Master of the Wild Hunt also an option for you?

I hope some of these have helped!

ReticleMouse on

2 years ago

Cant believe you have a wolf tribal deck and DIDNT add Master of the Wild Hunt

TheKamikazeBagel on Werewolf Commander Deck

3 years ago

I'm not sure if these are above your price range, but I run Druids' Repository and Bow of Nylea in my Tovolar EDH deck. A jank suggestion is Sight of the Scalelords, but I need to play test that more. I'm also testing out Kodama of the East Tree and Neyith of the Dire Hunt. I would highly recommend Nylea's Intervention alongside Reliquary Tower, and if you're willing to pay for it Master of the Wild Hunt is a great card.

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