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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
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Wolfcaller's Howl
At the beginning of your upkeep, create X 2/2 green Wolf creature tokens, where X is the number of your opponents with four or more cards in hand.

Ravenrose on
Rex Luporum
2 years ago
I am sometimes a rather simple person; when I see "King of the Wolves" in Latin as a deck name, I click! If you want some more ramp, I would suggest Grow from the Ashes; it's one of my favourites. Have you also considered Wild Pair as an edition? It would give your wolves and werewolves a more pack-like feel. Wolfcaller's Howl could also be fun in this deck. This is just my thematic brain talking, but Wolfrider's Saddle could also be fun. Wolfbriar Elemental could also give you more doggos to work with. Is Master of the Wild Hunt also an option for you?
I hope some of these have helped!
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Werewolf Commander
3 years ago
Hey, good work in process on a budget.
There's a few cards here that are not as good as others. Werewolf Horrors who can't transform from Tovolar are quite subpar. Vildin-Pack Outcast Flip, Smoldering Werewolf Flip, Shrill Howler Flip, Conduit of Storms Flip, Ulvenwald Captive Flip, Kessig Prowler Flip
Three, four and five drop Human Werewolves who don't have any abilities or just have a single ability like reach or trample, but don't any other abilities on the backside of the card just aren't good enough. Tireless Hauler Flip, Convicted Killer Flip
Arlinn, Voice of the Pack for a six drop doesn't do much without other cards which is not what you want with a six drop. Tovolar's Huntmaster Flip in comparison is so much better than Arlinn at six mana.
Some budget cards to consider adding:
- Reckless Stormseeker Flip: Werewolf who gives haste and pump.
- Village Messenger Flip: another one drop Human Werewolf.
- Breakneck Rider Flip: Werewolf who transforms to give trample and pump.
- Nightpack Ambusher: Wolf who can be a repeatable source of Wolves and is an anthem for Werewolves and Wolves.
- Relentless Assault: extra attack spell to draw more cards with Tovolar.
- Wolfcaller's Howl: good card in multiplayer Commander since there's many players, it can be quick board wipe recovery.
- Dryad's Revival: recur any card and has flashback to cast it again, get Assault two more times.
- Arcane Signet: staple budget two drop mana rock for more ramp.
- Farseek: two drop land ramp that can get Stomping Ground or Cinder Glade.
Cinder Glade, Unclaimed Territory, Naya Panorama, Rogue's Passage, Tyrite Sanctum are some budget land upgrades to consider replacing some basic lands. Path of Ancestry could replace Timber Gorge.
Good luck with your deck.
shaftdiggity on
Tovolar's pack
3 years ago
Maybe you can consider the following:
Swapping out Stonehoof Chieftain for Dolmen Gate
and Spellbinder for Heraldic Banner
and I really like Wolfcaller's Howl considering those tokens can lead to card draw for you with this commander, maybe dropping Fiery Emancipation
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Tovolar's Wolfpack
3 years ago
Hey, well done on a budget for your first deck, nice Huntmaster of the Fells Flip.
Some budget cards to consider adding:
Druids' Repository: each time a creature you control attacks you put a counter. At your post combat main phase you can then remove counters to make mana to cast the cards you drew from your creatures doing combat damage to opponents. You can remove counters at any point of the game to make mana.
Champion of Lambholt: makes creatures you control unblockable and it triggers whenever a token creature is created. Pair her with Howlpack Alpha, Tovolar's Packleader Flip, Cult of the Waxing Moon, Wolfcaller's Howl, etc.
Wolfcaller's Howl: in multiplayer Commander this can be a repeatable source of a lot of Wolves for no extra mana cost. It can be quick repeatable recovery from board wipes.
Breath of Fury: can be repeatable extra attacks that combos with Tovolar's Packleader Flip and a haste enabler for as many extra attacks as you want.
- Regrowth and Dryad's Revival: any card recursion.
- Fires of Yavimaya: haste enabler, even for token creatures, needed to combo with Packleader and Breath.
Some cards to consider cutting:
- Arlinn, Voice of the Pack: compare her to Tovolar's Huntmaster Flip for a budget six drop who creates Wolves and she's really lackluster.
- Burly Breaker Flip: vanilla five drop Werewolf.
- Somberwald Alpha: subpar four drop Wolf, you have better trample enablers.
- Fangblade Brigand Flip: subpar four drop Werewolf.
- Moonrager's Slash
- Waxing Moon
- Door of Destinies: expensive price, too slow, not needed because you have Coat of Arms.
Some budget land upgrades to consider:
- Unclaimed Territory --> Gruul Guildgate
- Tyrite Sanctum --> 1x Forest
- Jund Panorama --> 1x Forest
- Naya Panorama --> 1x Forest
Good luck with your deck.
TrashWolf95 on
Wolf Army
3 years ago
As a fellow wolf/werewolf player myself I have a few suggestions to make your deck a bit better. First I would remove Meteorite it's a high mana cost for not a lot in return I would suggest replacing it with The Celestus as it's cheaper mana rock and has synergy with your werewolves and the draw/discard ability is super useful. I would also remove Burn the Accursed in favour of maybe Lightning Bolt, Moonlight Hunt or Banefire.
A few other cards off the top of my head that I play in my wolf/werewolf deck that are very useful are Rampant Growth, Warstorm Surge, Atarka's Command, Destructive Revelry, Nightpack Ambusher, Cult of the Waxing Moon, Cultivate, Wolfcaller's Howl, Master of the Hunt, Shamanic Revelation, Elemental Bond, Beast Whisperer, Wild Defiance, Scorned Villager Flip, Overwhelming Stampede and Rhythm of the Wild.
Overall for your first edh deck you have some good picks and synergies I like the midnight hunt theme
Helgrind on
3 years ago
Ik denk niet dat Mana Flare en Dictate of Karametra veel voor je gaan doen, meer voor je tegenstanders. Daarnaast denk ik dat Fearless Pup, Ferocious Pup, Wandering Wolf en Young Wolf relatief zwak zijn.
Mogelijk includes zijn Unnatural Moonrise, Somberwald Beastmaster, Varis, Silverymoon Ranger, Arlinn, Voice of the Pack en Wolfcaller's Howl
Tovolar's Huntmaster Flip, Immerwolf, Full Moon's Rise en Duskwatch Recruiter Flip zouden voor mij autoincludes zijn.
Ze zijn bij cardmarket geloof ik allemaal goedkoper dan een euro, behalve Immerwolf, die is 1.50
Crow_Umbra on
Fibonacci Debauchery *temp retired*
3 years ago
Thank you for the awesome suggestions griffstick. I really like Wolfcaller's Howl and Fresh Meat . Similarly, I have a copy of Caller of the Claw , but kept it on my maybe board since it only checks for non-token. Soul Foundry is cool too, kinda like a more proactive Mimic Vat .
I'm going to keep play-testing to see what feels most lackluster at my current 4cmc spots. I've been on the fence about Sakashima's Will and Reef Worm , but don't want to write them off just yet.
I think I tend to avoid cards that rely too much on checking for greatest power on my board. In my play-testing, most of my creatures are usually 1-3 power, until I start getting into the 6cmc stuff like Avenger of Zendikar and the like.
griffstick on
Fibonacci Debauchery *temp retired*
3 years ago
Feed the Pack , Gutter Grime , Wolfcaller's Howl , Fungal Sprouting , Howl of the Night Pack , Soul Foundry and my favorite Blade of Selves
Oh and Fresh Meat because there is nothing better than someone wiping the board and you coming out of it better than you were before